The Nile on eBay

Women, philosophy, literature and other arts

by Gioconda Espina

This book is a compilation of unpublished articles and other publications, where the role that women have played in the arts, from philosophy to literature, as well as how they have influenced world politics or the thinking of renowned men in history, assuming a role behind the scenes, since we still live in a patriarchal society, is visualised. There are also analyses of the works of award-winning authors from a female perspective, with a critical view of the role that women have always played. Undoubtedly, the author's experience in favour of women's empowerment is reflected in the pages of this text.

Brand New


Author Gioconda Espina
Pages 132
Publisher Our Knowledge Publishing
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9786206213406
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-07-07
Imprint Our Knowledge Publishing
Audience General
