They've been dying to meet you...

I've just learned a little about this piece.  Apparently Disney in the late 70s planned to redo/refresh several attraction posters.  Jim Michaelson was tasked with creating new poster art for rides like Pirates, Haunted Mansion, 20,000 Leagues and more.  So lots of concept art was created for new posters.  This new art would have potentially replaced the original design for the Haunted Mansion (or maybe would have been a WDW exclusive poster), but due to budget restraints and fund reallocation, this project was scrapped (Disney was pouring tons of cash in to Epcot and Disneyland Tokyo at this time).  Me personally, I'm happy that we've had the same art for the Mansion all this time, but its still cool to see what could have been.

I recently found a couple of these in a tube along with some other concept art.  

This piece is 20x30 and in excellent condition (it is a print and NOT hand drawn concept art).  No noticeable damage anywhere on it.  As far as framing, luckily WalMart actually sells a few different 20x30" poster frames for $15-20... so you dont need to spend a fortune framing this (although it DOES deserve to be framed).