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Catherine the Great

by United Library

Catherine the Great is widely regarded as one of the most influential and powerful figures in European history. She ruled Russia during a period of immense growth, leading to new cities, universities, and theatres which furthered immigrants from Europe while also recognizing Russia's status as one of the world's great powers. Through her enlightened despotism philosophy, she encouraged advances in science and culture which unlocked potential for Russians everywhere. Her reign was not without tumult however; military conscription heavily relied on serfdom while peasant rebellions were commonplace. Yet even amidst turmoil she instituted reforms such as freeing nobles from state service with her Manifesto and creating a higher education institution for women - the Smolny Institute of Noble Maidens - all hallmarks of her legacy today. The brilliance and ambition instilled by Catherine has shaped Russian culture ever since her death more than two centuries ago.

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Una excelente biografía en un solo volumen de Napoleón Bonaparte. - El muro del diario
La bien escrita biografía de la Biblioteca Unida ofrece una nueva mirada a un rostro familiar.


Author United Library
Pages 60
Publisher United Library
Series History
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9789493311992
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-07-28
Imprint United Library
Subtitle The Biography and Portrait of a Russian Woman, Tsarina and Empress
Audience General
