[Rockies] 1895 Bird's-Eye View of Canmore & Bow Valley from Cochrane Coal Mine

Author: CAPLE, Norman
Title: [Rockies] 1895 Bird's-Eye View of Canmore & Bow Valley from Cochrane Coal Mine
Publication: Vancouver, BC: N. Caple & Co., c. 1895

Description: Photograph. The earliest - and only, 19th century Norman Caple Birds-Eye View photograph we have ever seen of Canmore, the now popular resort town in the Canadian Rockies. An albumen silver salts photograph, measuring 7 x 9.5 inches wide, and titled in negative along the lower edge "1306. Canmore, and Bow River Valley from Cochrane Coal Mines C.P.R. / N. Caple & Co., Photo. Vancouver, B.C." Circa mid-1890s, but not earlier than 1893, as Caple had established his own studio after his partnership with R.H. Trueman dissolved towards the end of 1893. Photo with remnants verso from a previous mounting, faint creases, some fading and a few small tears with tiny emulsion losses. An unusual case where rare content, trumps minor condition issues. Near Very Good.

Capturing here a busy and nascent 19th century Canmore, this image enlarges well to reveal much action and goings-on in the erstwhile coal town and its surrounds. Ref. Camera Workers, 1858-1950.

Seller ID: 4823

Subject: British Columbia/ N&W America, Film & Photography

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