KT HealthLine i-Energy - Instant Energy from natural sources!
KT HealthLine i-Energy is a new, innovative product whose function is one - TO GIVE YOU MAXIMUM QUICK ENERGY - FOCUS - CONCENTRATION!
What does KT HealthLine i-Energy contain?
  Siberian ginseng - used for more than 2000 years. It has an exclusive application in Chinese medicine, as a means of dealing with various diseases and ailments. It comprehensively helps to protect and strengthen the body and is therefore very effective for colds and flu, fatigue. This indispensable root is one of the most powerful adaptogens known in plant form. It is its qualities as an adaptogen that help the body cope with stressful situations of almost any nature.
Siberian Ginseng and its valuable adaptogen properties are useful:
- When dealing with the stress of changing seasons
- With prolonged mental strain
- During long and exhausting training sessions
- In professional athletes, for faster recovery after competitions
- For better recovery after long illnesses
- During prolonged diets
  Ginkgo biloba improves blood circulation and gives elasticity to blood vessels.
- Increases concentration and endurance.
- Reduces blood cholesterol.
- Acts as an antioxidant and neutralizes free radicals.
- Ginkgo Biloba extract is a good helper for treating diseases of the nervous system.
- Improves memory and brain functions.
- Normalizes blood pressure in both directions.
- It has a powerful antidepressant effect.
- Improves performance.
- Increases potency in both sexes.
Ginkgo Biloba Max removes fatigue, apathy, depression by increasing the synthesis of ATP in the body.
- Stimulates brain activity and improves mood
- Helps burn fat
- Neutralizes constipation
When is it appropriate to use i-Energy?
1. In the office - when we need energy and improvement of working capacity.
- Improves focus and concentration
- Increases attention
- Improves mood
- Suitable for times when you lose motivation and focus
2. When we drive - it often happens that a person drifts off, especially when he is tired, loses concentration, which is very risky.
- Improves focus and concentration when driving
- Reduces the likelihood of falling asleep behind the wheel
- Increases energy, tone and mood
3. When we do sports - this is a time when we always need energy. Especially if we train early in the morning or after work, when we are mentally and physically tired, but want to tighten up and get a good workout.
- Increases energy and tone
- Slows down fatigue
- Instant action
- Stimulates metabolism
4. Any other time when we need instant energy - i-Energy is in a convenient package that we can always carry with us and spray under the tongue when we need energy. You don't need to bring water or any other drink.
It is suitable for taking anytime you need a powerful kick, before an important meeting, before an exam, when you have urgent tasks and are not in shape.
Content in one dose of 0.3 mg:
In one injection - water-ethanol extract (16%):
Siberian ginseng extract - 10 mg
Caffeine - 10 mg
Ginkgo biloba extract - 5 mg
One injection: 0.3 ml
Packaging: 30ml/100 doses
Action: General tonic action.
Ingredients: Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) extract, caffeine, ginkgo biloba
extract, purified water, ethanol.
Recommended daily intake:
1-2 sprays under the tongue when energy is needed. Do not take late at night as it may cause restless sleep. For oral use only.
Shake well before use.