This beautiful blue and white coverlet is a true gem of American textile art from the mid 19th century. The intricate Jacquard weaving technique used in its creation makes it a unique and original piece that will add a touch of Americana style to any collection.  The rich dark blue and vibrant white colors accentuate the finely woven designs created on the jacquard loom.  It was made with fringe on 3 sides.  It is in beautiful estate condition with the original fringe in very good condition.  The border and a small area in the field shows loss of the blue, as shown in the photos.  Measuring 84" long X 69" wide (not including fringe), it is a large and impressive textile work of art that showcases the talent and creativity of the weaver who made it in the 19th century.

This coverlet is unsigned but is a true representation of the period of 1800-1899. Its material is high-quality fabric, and it has been well-preserved to maintain its original beauty. It is listed by a dealer or reseller and comes from a non-specific region in the United States. This is an amazing opportunity to own a piece of American history that will be treasured for generations.