This listing contains variants so to choose the color and format you prefer select it at the top right of the main image where it is written COLOR: and MEASURES: position the mouse to automatically have the price corresponding to your choice, if you want to see the color you intend to choose, further down there is a color chart.

Sticker for Camper WOLF of the FOREST

The film used for this adhesive is of professional quality, very resistant, with only 60 - 70 microns of thickness, perfectly conformable even on irregular surfaces, such as curves, grooves, rivets, shaped parts etc ... ensures perfect adhesion and exceptional durability even in hostile conditions, such as freezing, high temperatures, dirt, chemicals and other harmful agents. Pre-spaced sticker without background. In case of removal due to incorrect positioning or to change the type of adhesive, just heat them with a body dryer to remove them without damaging the bodywork of your camper. Thanks to the wide range of sizes and colors available you can easily choose the one you prefer.




take advantage of it!!!




we are professional sellers






* Send your design or the writings you want to make in adhesive, to this address:  

quantity of stickers to be made, YOU WILL SOON RECEIVE A QUOTE.


This listing contains variants so to choose the color and format you prefer select it at the top right of the main image where it is written COLOR: and MEASURES: position the mouse to automatically have the price corresponding to your choice, if you want to see the color you intend to choose, further down there is a color chart. The film used for this adhesive is of professional quality, very resistant, with only 60 - 70 microns of thickness, perfectly conformable even on irregular surfaces, such as curves, grooves, rivets, shaped parts etc ... ensures perfect adhesion and exceptional durability even in hostile conditions, such as freezing, high temperatures, dirt, chemicals and other harmful agents. Pre-spaced sticker without background. In case of removal due to incorrect positioning or
This listing contains variants so to choose the color and format you prefer select it at the top right of the main image where it is written COLOR: and MEASURES: position the mouse to automatically have the price corresponding to your choice, if you want to see the color you intend to choose, further down there is a color chart. The film used for this adhesive is of professional quality, very resistant, with only 60 - 70 microns of thickness, perfectly conformable even on irregular surfaces, such as curves, grooves, rivets, shaped parts etc ... ensures perfect adhesion and exceptional durability even in hostile conditions, such as freezing, high temperatures, dirt, chemicals and other harmful agents. Pre-spaced sticker without background. In case of removal due to incorrect positioning or