Get ready for an evening full of laughs and entertainment with Trump Cards Party Game! Whether you love Trump or hate Trump, you'll enjoy hours of fun with family and friends determining if Trump actually said what the dealer reads. Some statements are so outrageous it's hard to believe he actually said it. While other statements that seem rather believable — he never said.

The dealer reads a statement out loud from the deck of 300 Trump Cards. If a player believes Trump really said it, they turn up the Approved card. If they believe it to be B.S. they turn up the Fake News card. Every player that gets it right earns a point. If all players get it wrong, the dealer earns a point. First person to 5 points (or whatever you determine) wins the round.

See the Rules photo and you'll quickly realize how EASY this game is to play.

Trump cards is designed for 2 to 10 players.  

If you like drinking games, Trump Cards fills the bill. Whenever a player gets it wrong, they take a drink.

The purchase price of $29.98 includes freight. The movies, dinner or bowling will cost you more than that!

So invite some friends over for an evening of fun. Order Trump Cards today!