Our services:
Supplying new, refurbished and obsolete parts
Sourcing hard to find parts
Please confirm the address shown in ebay is correct, if not please us the right one for accurate and fast delivery.
We ship worldwide mostly by DHL, FedEx and if you would like to use other shipping services please let us know.

Buyers are responsible for all Customs fees, import taxes, VAT, and other fees applied by their respective countries.

6 months for new and 8417months for used or refurbished
All units is guaranteed to be working upon arrival. Warranty period starts from arrival day.
If the item is found to have been damaged by the customer by for instance rough handling, wrong installation or extreme temperatures, the warranty is not valid.

If an unit is received defective, of course we take it back or replace it.
If the unit is received as expected, we must charge for our expenses if you want to send it back.
We have to charge for the work of handling, retesting and restocking.
