Up for auction "Dramatist" Henry Neville Hand Clipped Signature. 



Henry Gartside Neville (20

June 1837 – 19 June 1910) was an English actor, dramatist, teacher and theatre manager. He began his career playing dashing juvenile

leads, later specialising in Shakespearean roles, modern comedy and melodrama.

His most famous role was as Bob Brierley in Tom Taylor's The Ticket-of-Leave Man.

As the manager of the Olympic Theatre from 1873 to 1879, he presented numerous

successful productions. In later years, he became a respected character actor. Neville

was born in Manchester, England, son of John Garside

Neville and his second wife Mary Anna, née Gartside (died

1895). He was the twentieth child of his father, an actor and the manager

of Queen's Theatre, Spring Gardens, Manchester, who himself was the twentieth

child of his father. Though Neville senior was in the

theatre, there were strong military traditions on both sides of the family, and

John Neville was opposed to his son's decision to pursue a theatrical rather

than a military career and refused to help him. Neville had one brother,

George (born c. 1839), one sister, Josaphine (c. 1838–1895), and nineteen

half-brothers and sisters. From

1857 to 1860 Neville acted in the English provinces and Scotland. When the

tragedian John Vandenhoff made

his farewell performance in 1858 at the Theatre Royal, Liverpool, Neville played Cromwell to Vandenhoff's Wolsey

in Shakespeare's King Henry VIII. He made his London debut in 1860 as Percy

Ardent in Dion Boucicault's The

Irish Heiress at the Lyceum TheatreThe Observer said of his performance: "Mr Henry

Neville, a new importation from Liverpool, was gentlemanly and easy, of good

manners and dashing appearance; and he promises to fill a dreary gap in the

London theatrical world – the line of jeunes premières." He

attracted further good notices for his next role, in The Love Chase,

receiving encouragement from The Times "as a

representative of young men of something like rank and position." The

same year, he played Victor Savignie in Arrienne at the Lyceum

and, at the Olympic Theatre, he played

Ivan in Serf and Valjean in an adaptation of Les Miserables.

 In May 1863, still at the Olympic,

Neville created the role of Bob Brierley in Tom Taylor's drama about the dismal life of a released

convict, The Ticket-of-Leave Man,

a character in which he made the success of his career. He played in its long

first run and revivals for a total of about 2000 performances. In 1865, he played the title role in

Taylor's Henry Dunbar at the Olympic opposite Kate Terry, and in 1867 was her chosen Romeo to her Juliet

in her farewell London performances at the Adelphi

Theatre. 1867 had been a busy year for Neville at the Adelphi, where

he played Job Arnroyd in Lost in London, Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing,

Dunbar again, Farmer Allan in Dora, Richard Watt in His

First Champagne, Claude Meinotee in Lady of Lyons, Walter

Maidenblush in Little Treasure, Sir Thomas Clifford in Hunchback,

and George Vendale in No Thoroughfare, another notable success. The next year at

the Adelphi, he played the title role in Hamlet and repeated Robert Brierley. In 1869, still

at the Adelphi, he portrayed the role of Vernon Wainwright in Eve. At the Gaiety Theatre in the

same year, he played an important role in W. S. Gilbert's early comedy, An Old Score. Neville continued

building his reputation on the London stage in the 1870s as actor and also as

the manager of the Olympic Theatre from 1873 to 1879, where his company

included rising actors such as Rutland BarringtonHelen ErnstoneEmily Fowler and Johnston Forbes-Robertson. In 1870, he played Henry Little in Put

Yourself in His Place at the Adelphi. In 1872 he had a great success in The School for Scandal of which The Times said,

"Mr Henry Neville is the leading actor in the class of characters in which

Charles Surface is comprised." This was followed, at the Olympic,

by The School for Intrigue, in which he played the part of

Almaviva. Other successes during the 1870s, both as manager and actor, included

his portrayal of Lord Clancarty in Taylor's Lady Clancarty, Pierre

in John Oxenford's The Two Orphans in 1874, an 1874–75

revival of The Ticket-of-Leave Man, and Franklin Blake in a

dramatisation of Wilkie Collins's The Moonstone in 1877. In the same year he produced

and starred in a revival of Lady Audley's Secret by Robert

Walters. He also produced W. S. Gilbert's plays The Ne'er-do-Weel in

1878 and Gretchen in 1879. In 1878, Neville opened a successful

drama school which he managed for many years. By the 1880s, he had become

famous in melodrama roles, playing the romantic

lead. His Shakespeare roles included Jaques in As You Like It, produced by Madame Modjeska (1882) and

Leonato in Much Ado About Nothing. In 1888, he played Count

Heidegger in Handsome Is that Handsome Does, a comedy by C. J.

Ribton Turner at the Vaudeville Theatre. At

the Olympic that year, he reprised the role Pierre in The Two Orphans and

appeared in Hands Across the Sea by Henry Pettitt.