Jestea Detox Tea - 1 Month Supply - 60 PCS

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: Add a bag of Jestea to a glass of hot water and mix until it dissolves.( Consume it hot.) Consume 2 times a day, 1 hour before morning and evening meals.

INGREDIENTS: Echinacea extract, goji berry extract, blueberries, l-carnitine, fennel, citrus lemon, guarana, green tea, chitosan, pomegranate seed.

TIPS: Do not add sugar to the tea. You should consume it 1 hour before meals. Drink at least 2-3 liters of water daily. Do not skip meals.

The recommended daily number of tea consumption/ servings should not be exceeded.

JESTEA IS NOT A DRUG. IT IS FOOD SUPPLEMENT. Supplementary foods are not a substitute for normal nutrition. Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage of use. It is not a medicine, it cannot be used to prevent or treat diseases.