Note: Many of my clients are scholars and researchers seeking specific information related to their field of interest. For their convenience I include the following details directly from this book:

Places and Historical Subject Matter Discussed/Illustrated in this Book (Partial Only, See Full Contents Below): Antique Holy Land Palestine Egypt Sinai Illustrated Bible Old New Testament Archaeology Egyptology Egyptian Cairo Nile Petra Desert Moses Hebrews Exodus Golden Calf Lot’s Wife Sodom and Gomorrah Jesus Christ Passion Resurrection Holy City Jerusalem Garden of Gethsemane Church of the Holy Sepulchre Moslem Muslim Islam Christian Christianity Jewish Jews Alexandria Island of Malta Maltese Antiquities Saracen Mamaluke Mohammed Ali Pyramids Bazaars Costume Dress Ornament Tattooing Women Men Slave Market Backsheesh Pyramid Cheops Sphinx Arab Gizeh King Heliopolis Petrified Forest Temple of the Sun Shoobra Tombs Memphis Noph Joseph Mosques Sultan Hassan Citadel Mount Sinai Peninsula Suez Israelites Wells of Moses Acacia Hyssop Manna Mount Horeb Ruins Jaffa Joffa Rose of Sharon Beth Dagon Ramleh Zion Rome Roman Jewish Quarter Mohammedan Quarter Absalom Tombs Ramedan Palm Sunday Cavalry Cross Good Friday Easter Mosque of Omar Bethlehem Hebron David Solomon Jordan The Dead Sea Jericho Elijah Elisha Nazareth Gilboa Jezreel Mount Tabor Tiberias Galilee Capernaum Beirut Carmel Tyre Sidon Tomb of Jonah

THE HANDWRITING OF GOD IN EGYPT, SINAI AND THE HOLY LAND: The Records of a Journey from the Great Valley of the West to the Sacred Places of the East. By Reverend D.A. Randall. Published in 1868 by John E. Potter & Co., Philadelphia. 9” x 6” hardcover with gilt titles and motifs. Illustrated with maps, diagrams and numerous illustrations. 714 pages.

Condition: GOOD ANTIQUE CONDITION. Exterior as shown in photo, some small chips, cloth is splitting along front joint but the board is still very well attached Text block is solid. Text is clean and complete. Light foxing. Moisture blemish at top gutter, conspicuous only at frontis and title page. No torn, loose or missing pages. Bookplate inside front cover. Good surviving example of this rare antique volume.


Here is a handsome volume devoted to the ancient sights and scenes of Egypt, the Sinai, and the Holy Land, discussed in the context of their historical, archaeological, cultural and religious significance. It features numerous illustrations, diagrams and maps, prepared especially for this book. Originally published in two volumes, this book contains both Volume I and II under a single cover.

Many books and travel guides about the Middle East were published in the latter half of the 19th century, perhaps as an outgrowth of western interest in the antiquities of Egypt – the Pyramids, Sphinx, ancient tombs and other sites which at the time were in the process of being unearthed and catalogued by archaeologists.

THE HANDWRITING OF GOD IN EGYPT, SINAI AND THE HOLY LAND, which combines sections on both Egypt and the lands of Christ and the Bible, stands among the earliest works of popular archaeology prepared specifically for the general public. It was published only three years after the close of the Civil War.

Author Revered D.A. Randall states in the Preface:

The countries of which this book treats are those of intense interest to all classes of persons. Here are the records and monuments of the early ages of the world. Here are historic pages of which none should be ignorant. From these, new lessons are continually being unfolded. Here God has left the traces of his footsteps, the handwriting of his power, and the memorials of his mighty wonders.

A book of travels, if written with taste and skill, will always be an interesting and instructive book. Each succeeding person, in his visit, will view things in new aspects; catch the inspiration of new thoughts and lessons; and bring truth to at least some minds, arrayed in new and inviting drapery.

It has been the author’s object to select the most prominent and important things, and to describe them in a plain and familiar style, with definiteness and particularity, and to condense into the work what he supposes the common reader would most desire to know.

It is designed not only to present the interesting and exciting incidents of travel, but to connect with the scenes and places visited the most prominent and instructive historic events that have characterized them; drawing from illustrations of scripture, events of history, sketches of biography, and more especially the important moral lessons they are calculated to suggest, and such as it is hoped will benefit the heart and the life.

The illustrations found in the work have been selected because they are illustrations. A number of them have been prepared especially for this work, and all of them contain accurate views of the places they are designed to represent, as the author can testify from personal observation. They have been inserted not merely as embellishments to adorn the work, but as helps, to enable the reader to obtain correct ideas of important localities. Where maps and diagrams were necessary to illustrate the text they have been prepared. These things have added materially to the expense of the work, but will be of great value to the reader

To give you a clearer understanding of the wealth of information and illustration found in this rare 148-year-old volume, I have included some helpful details below. First, a detailed summary of the contents, personally prepared and far more detailed than that found in the book. Followed by a generous sampling of the book’s historic images.

I hope you’ll take a moment to have a look.

Contents Are: Chapter One ~ Columbus to Boston – Voyage Across the Atlantic

Chapter Two ~ Landing at Liverpool – Ride to London

Chapter Three ~ London to Paris – Paris to Marseilles

Chapter Four ~ Mediterranean Voyage – Island of Malta – Various Incidents – Arrival at Alexandria: The Island of Malta * Valetta * The History of the Place * The Old Church of St. John * Selling Milk * The Maltese Divers * Paul’s Shipwreck * The Ancient Pharos * The Custom House * The European Hotel * A Train of Reflections * The Events of Antiquity * Egypt’s History * The First Great Historical Period * The Masters of the Land * The Ethiopian Conquest * Reign of the Ptolemies * A Roman Province * The Invading Saracen * The Mamalukes * The Campaign of Napoleon * Mohammed Ali

Chapter Five ~ Preservation of Knowledge – Donkeys and Donkey Boys * Sights in Alexandria: An Antideluvian Historian * Rosetta Stone * Prophetic Declaration * The City of Alexandria * World-renowned Library * The Great Temple of Serapis * The Monuments of the Past * The Egyptian Donkey * Donkey Riding * Donkey Boy * Pompey’s Pillar * Cleopatra’s Needles * The Catacombs

Chapter Six ~ A Night in Alexandria * Ride to Cairo * Sights and Scenes along the Way: The Viceroy’s Palace * The Harem * Night in an Egyptian City * The Watchman’s Call * The Muezzin’s Call to Prayer * Off for Cairo * Mohammed’s Great Canal * The Modern Villages * The Present Population * The Turban * Slippers, Smoking, Signet Rings * Women and the Veil * The Field of Zoan * Changes That Have Taken Place * The Strange Story of their Bondage * The Days of Adversity * The Nile * Character and History * Annual Overflow * A Beautiful Passage of Scripture

Chapter Seven ~ First View of the Pyramids – Arrival at Grand Cairo – Sights and Scenes of the City: Arrival at Cairo * The Company I Saw There * The History of the CityThe Ezbekieh * The Climate of Egypt * Streets of the City * The Bazars * Variety of Costumes * The Strange Modes of Riding * The Slave Market * Things in the City * A Marriage Procession * Rite of Circumcision * A Funeral Procession * A Strange Show * The Backsheesh?

Chapter Eight ~ Visit to the Great Pyramid of Cheops – The Sphinx – Incidents and Reflections: The Tricks of a Donkey Boy * Afloat upon the Nile * The Infant Moses * The Renowned Chicken Ovens * The Donkey Boy Again * The Base of Cheops * The Mummy Pits * Apis Cemetery * The Pyramids of Gizeh * Meeting with the Arabs * The Ascent of Cheops * An Arab Song * Reflections Upon the Top of Cheops * A Bottle Boy * A Dinner upon the Top of Cheops * The Descent * Visit to the Interior of the Pyramid * The King’s Chamber * The Age of the Pyramids * The Old Granite Sarcophagus * Echo of the Chamber * The Egress * Why Were these Pyramids Built? * By Whom Were they Opened? * The Sphinx * A Grave Old Preacher * Other Tombs * The Departure * Another Trick

Chapter Nine ~ Excursion to the Heliopolis and the Petrified Forest – A Sunday in Cairo – Visit to the Court of the Pharaohs: On, or City of the Sun * The Temple of the Sun * The Fountain of the Sun * The Home of Joseph * The School of Moses * Prophetic Declaration * The Palace at Shoobra * The Petrified Forest * Tombs of the Mamaluke Kings * Mode of Watering the Land * Street Cries, Tattooing and Beggars Attending Worship * A Reflection and new Acquaintances * The Ruined City of the Pharaohs * An Egyptian Palm Grove * Memphis, the Noph of Scripture * The History of Memphis or Noph * Great Statue of Rameses II * Moving Immense Blocks of Stone * The Bull Apis * The Lake and the Dead * The Palace of the Pharaohs * Joseph and His Brethren * The Child Moses * Moses’ Return to the Court * Instructive Lessons * The Return

Chapter Ten ~ Mosques of Grand Cairo * Citadel and Massacre of the Mamalukes * Preparations for a Journey to Sinai: A Carriage Drive * The Mosques of Cairo * Mosque of Amer and Mosque of Tayloon * The Mosque of Sultan Hassan * The Citadel * Joseph’s Well * The Mosque of Mohammed Ali * The Destruction of the Mamalukes * The Children * The Derweshees * The Nile Voyage * Preparations for a Journey to Mount Sinai * A Bargain Made * Letter from the Greek Convent * Departure for Suez * A Ride Upon this Road * Suez * The Passage of the Israelites * The Biblical Narrative * How the Passage was Effected * The Destruction and the Triumph

Chapter Eleven ~ From Suez to Sinai – Appearance of the Country – Encampments of Israel – Life in the Desert: Crossing the Sea * Wells of Moses * Second Day * Marah or Ain Hawara * Present Appearance of the Fountain * The Sweetening of the Waters * Wady Ghurundel or Elim * Baths of Pharaoh * Appearance of the Country * Wady Useit * The Arab Supper * Our Own Fare * Our Chickens * A View of the Country * The Inhabitants of the Peninsula * A Look at Our Shiek * The Common Dress * Singular Marriage Custom * Wady Taiyibeh * Encampment by the Sea * Plain of Murkah and Wady Shellal * Wady Maghara, “The Valley of the Cave” * The Written Valley

Chapter Twelve ~ Sinaitic Inscriptions – Features of the Country – Manna – Hyssop and other Plants – Approach to Sinai: The Amount of Work Expended on Them * Where Found and their Peculiarities * Attention Bestowed upon These Inscriptions * Their Origin * Did the Jews inscribe them? * A Burying-Ground * Wady Feiran * Sixth Day from Suez * The Oasis of Feiran * Christians in Wady Feiran * Color and form of the Mountains * Acacia, Shittim Wood * Retem, or Wild Broom * The Hyssop of the Bible * The Manna Plant * A Perpetual Miracle * The Spiritual Significance * Home of Our Sheik * Nubk Hawy, the Windy Pass * Emerging from the Pass

Chapter Thirteen ~ Encampment at Mount Sinai – Visit to the Convent * Description of the Mountain * Its Peculiarities: A Visit to the Convent * The History of the Convent * The Renowned Helena * The Interior of the Convent * The Well of Moses * The Church of the Transfiguration * St Catharine * The Chapel of the Burning Bush * The Mosque and the Garden * The Charnel House * A Row with Our Sheik * The Topography of the Mountain * Situation of the Mountain * Name of the Mountain * The Design of Israel’s Visit Here * Encampment before the Mount * The Place of the Encampment * The Boundaries About the Mount

Chapter Fourteen ~ Ascent of Sinai and Horeb * Sights by the Way * Reflections Upon the Summit * Descent and view of the Mountain from the Plain: The Chapel of the Fleas * Old Gateways and Gardens * The Chapels of Elisha and Elijah * A Camel’s Foot-Print * On the Summit of Sinai * Descent from the Mount * The Ascent of Horeb * The Descent to our Tents * The Mold of Aaron’s Calf * The Smitten Rock * An Objection Answered * The Man Moses * Route by Akaba and Petra * Mount Hor and Aaron’s Tomb * City of Petra * Breaking up the Camp * Farewell to Sinai

Chapter Fifteen ~ Return to Suez – Ancient Egyptian Rites – Arrival at Cairo – concluding Remarks: The Grave of the Sheik * Surabit El Khadim * The Ruins * Origin of the Ruins * A Grave of a Horse * Making Bread * Arrival at Suez * Adieu to Arabs and Camels * Ride to Cairo * Conclusion * The Holy Land


Chapter One ~ Departure from Egypt – Voyage from Alexandria to Jaffa – Ride from Jaffa to Jerusalem Sunday School in Alexandria * Alexandria to Jaffa * Farewell to Egypt * General Directions * Passports * Custom Houses * Making Acquaintances * Advice to Travelers * The landing at Jaffa * Joppa and its history * The House of Simon, the Tanner * Departure for Jerusalem * Ramlen and Plain of Sharon * The Rose of Sharon * Lydda, or Ludd * Beit DeJan or Beth Dagon * Ramleh * Ride to Jerusalem * Our face to the Holy City * Fall of One of Our Horses * A Robber’s Glen * Kirjath-Jearim * First Sight of Zion

Chapter Two ~ Our Home in Jerusalem – A Glance at the City – Sketch of Its History: A Glance at the City * Jerusalem as a Battle Field * Its Decline * The Great Captivity * The Grecian Invasion * The Roman Occupation * Massacre Under Titus * Jerusalem was Rebuilt * The Mohammedan Conquest * Walks about the City * Castle of David * The Christian Quarters * The Jewish Quarter * Mohammedan Quarters * Sparrows

Chapter Three ~ Rambles in Jerusalem – Mount Zion – Valley of Hinnom – Hills and Tombs: The Lower Pool of Gihon * The Fountain of Hezekiah * Fulfillment of Prophecy * The Huts of the Lepers * Ruins of an Ancient Bridge * The Coenaculum * The Sepulchre * The Palace of Caiaphas * The Cock that Crew * The Renowned Valley of Hinnom * The Hill of Evil Council * Tombs and Sepulchres * Aceldama, “The Field of Blood” * The Well of Joab or Job * The Mount of Corruption * Here was Tophet * A Place of Pollution * Fulfillment of Prophecy * The Pool of Siloam * The Fountain of the Virgin * Height of the Mountains

Chapter Four ~ Rambles About Jerusalem continued – Ancient Tombs – Grottoes and Wonderful Excavations: The Waters of the Kidron * The Grotto of Jeremiah * Visits to Other Tombs * Ruined Tombs * Excavations Beneath the City * Return to the Light of Day * The Shepherd and His Flock * The Fast of Ramedan

Chapter Five ~ Palm Sunday – Calvary – The Holy Sepulchre – Religious Ceremonies, and Holy Places: Palm Sunday * Place of the Crucifixion * The Church of the Holy Sepulchre * The Church as it Now Is * The Interior of the Church * Legends and Superstitions * The Chapel of the Invention of the Cross * The Chapel of Helena * The Place of the Crucifixion * The Holy Sepulchre * The Sepulchre as it Now Is * Pool of Bethesda * Discovery of an Ancient Aqueduct * Stephen Was Stoned * Tomb and Chapel of the Virgin * The Grotto of the Agony * The Garden of Gethsemane * The Inclosed Garden * The Ascent of Olivet

Chapter Six ~ Excursion to Bethany – Good Friday – Easter Sunday at the Holy Sepulchre – Mount Moriah and the Temple: A Jewish Passover * The Triumphal Procession * Good Friday in Jerusalem * The Via Dolorosa or Sorrowful Way * The Jews’ Place of Wailing * Good Friday Evening * Easter Morning * A New and Interesting Acquaintance * An Old Samaritan Bible * Story of the Old Manuscript * The Age of this Manuscript * Mount Moriah and the Temple * The Temple and Sacred Rock * The Mosque of Omar * The Sakrah or Sacred Rock * Two Religions Compared * Other Sights in the Temple Area * Underground Wells and Reservoirs

Chapter Seven ~ Foot Excursions about Jerusalem – Home of Old Samuel – Excursion to Bethlehem and Hebron: The Ancient Mizpeh * Ep-Jib or Gibeon * Abner and Joab * Foot Excursions Continued * Jeba the Ancient Geba of Benjamin * Jonathan and His Armor Bearer * Ramah of Benjamin * Gibeah of Saul * Excursion to Bethlehem and Hebron * Plain of Rephaim – Well of the Magi * The Tomb of Rachael * Bethlehem, The House of Bread * Convent and Church of the Nativity * David’s Well – View of the Country * Pools of Solomon * Walk to Hebron * Valley of Eschol * Abraham’s Oak * Hebron * Dave of Machpelah * Solomon’s Beautiful Gardens * Mourning Women * A Morning in Bethlehem

Chapter Eight ~ Excursion to Jordan and the Dead Sea – Ancient and Modern Jericho – Ford of the Jordan – Appearance of the Sea: Elijah and the Ravens * The Three Jerichoes * Jericho Rebuilt * The First Literary Institution * The Jericho of the New Testament * Encampment for the Night * The Gilgal of Joshua * Visit to the Jordan * A Bath in the Jordan * Israel’s Entrance to the Promised Land * Elijah and Elisha at the Jordan * The Baptism of Jesus * Ride to the Dead Sea * The Sea and its Peculiarities * When and How it was Formed * The Celebrated Pillar of Salt * A Bath in the Dead Sea * Sea of Sodom

Chapter Nine ~ Return from the Dead Sea – Leaving Jerusalem – Tour Northward: Apples of Sodom * A Supposed Robber and a Fright * Arrangements to Leave Jerusalem * Visit to the Superior of the Convent * Last Morning in Jerusalem * Nob and the Massacre of the Priests * Site of Ancient Bethel * The Robber’s Fountain * A Visit to Old Shiloh * Hostility of the Arabs * The Tabernacle at Shiloh * Nabulous, or Old Schechem * Abraham’s Altar * The Samaritans * Ascent of Gerizim * The Place of Blessing or Cursing * Jacob’s Well * Joseph’s Tomb * The Old Manuscript * The Lepers of Schechem

Chapter Ten ~ From Gerizim and Shechem to Nazareth – Old Samaria – Jezreel – Mount Tabor – Sea of Galilee: The Ancient City * Samaria * Samaria Delivered * The Mountains of Gilboa * Death of Saul * Ruins of Ancient Jezreel * Death of Jezebel * Gideon’s Wonderful Victory * The City of Nazareth * Mount Tabor * The City of Tiberias * A Sunday at Galilee * Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum

Chapter Eleven ~ From Nazareth to Beirut – Mount Carmel – Tyre – Sidon – Conclusion of Our Tour in Palestine: Elijah’s Sacrifice * Convent of Carmel * City of Acre * Ladder of Tyre * Tyre * Tyre, Past and Present * From Tyre to Sidon * Elijah and the Widow of Sarepta * Sidon or Saida * Sidon to Beirut * Lady Stanhope’s Home * Tomb of Jonah * Farewell

Remember folks, this is an 1868 original. This book is 156 years old.


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