Approximate Purchase Size:   inches

Please do further research as needed!

Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.

SHIPPING & RETURN POLICIES:Exotic Marine Life professionally package all aquatic life in the best materials and use the most direct and reliable shipping method which is FedEx/UPS Priority Overnight. Please allow 2-5 days for your order to be processed & shipped..

Our Fish is inspected then hand-picked I make sure it’s in perfect and in healthy condition and prepared for shipment to you.  Fish are packaged in properly conditioned saltwater with correct pH levels in heavy-duty poly bags to cushion and protect.  Each bag is filled with oxygen for optimal conditions and secured by a professional bag sealing technology.  The water and airtight bags are then housed in Styrofoam coolers along with a heat or ice pack, as seasonal conditions dictate.

Shipping Day: Monday through Thursday every Week!

VERY IMPORTANT: If we deem that your order is not in excellent condition to ship out OR if there are weather concerns (Too Cold, Too Hot, Holiday Traffic, Etc.) we will return your money back to you.

**The order can always be placed again when the weather breaks or we get better condition livestock.

Additionally: we do NOT honor any issues with FedEx/UPS shipment delays BUT We will try our best to work you on shipping out another order. FedEx/UPS is the most reliable overnight shipping method, and usually there are NO issues using this method.

Guarantee live arrival or full item replacement minus shipping cost. DOA must be reported within an hour of reported delivery time per carrier, please DO NOT remove the deceased fish from the original shipping bag and DO NOT discard the deceased item without authorization from us.. Clear photos must be submitted within that hour. Do not discard fish until photos are received & acknowledged. Replacement process (will be quick). Refusal may void guarantee.

Credit will be given for the fish only in the form of store credit. Once the fish is removed from the shipping bag, the responsibility for its health and well-being is up to the owner.

We are not responsible for any deaths that may occur during the acclimation process, aggression within tank mates or if water quality is poor...

CARE & ACCLIMATION Detailed care can be found elsewhere, & should be researched prior to purchase. Acclimate for 60+ minutes. Anemones 


Thank You Everyone (: