DCC Concepts DCD-ADS-4sx N/HO/OO Accessory Decoder CDU Solenoid Drive SX 4-Way

 DCC Concepts DCD-ADS-4sx N/HO/OO Accessory Decoder CDU Solenoid Drive SX 4-Way with Power-Off Memory and Protective Case

Accessory Decoder CDU Solenoid Drive SX 4-Way with Power-Off Memory and Protective Case

ADS-4sx is an easy-to-use 4-way DCC accessory decoder for solenoid turnout motors with power-off memory.

ADS-4sx has a CDU built-in to each output and is the most reliable and most powerful solenoid decoder available, yet it stores all its power on-board so does not drain your DCC track power!

Packed with features including a CDU discharge button, Panel LED or Signal Control, Push-Button Option and Frog Power Switching.

To make sure there is a version for every need, ADS Decoders are also available in 2 and 8 way variants

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