Expiration date 12/04/2025

Pyure Organic Monk Fruit Sweetener provides the same taste, texture, and feel as traditional sugar without the added calories or carbohydrates. This sugar substitute is super sweet, so you only need a small amount. There's no bitterness or aftertaste, and it mixes and dissolves well. 

Monk fruit, or Luo Han Guo, was first discovered by Buddhist monks many centuries ago, hence the name. Today, this super-sweet melon-like fruit is dried, blended, and turned into an extract to make the ideal substitute for raw sugar and granulated white sugar. It sweetens everything from coffee to iced tea. Sprinkle into your favorite keto-friendly snacks, sugar-free snacks, yogurt, or smoothies. 

Pyure Monk Fruit is 2x the sweetness of sugar. 

Perfect for keto, gluten-free, paleo, vegan, plant-based, low-carb, and low-to-no-sugar lifestyles. 

12 oz