The Sawyer Extractor Pump Kit extracts venom and poisons from the bites and stings of snakes, bees, wasps, mosquitoes, and more. The extractor's double chamber vacuum pump action is designed to provide powerful suction for the extraction of venoms and poisons without the need for scalpel blades or knives used in other kits. Because it's a pump, not a syringe, it's easy to use with one hand. When using, select one of the 4 plastic cups that will best cover the bitten area and attach it to the pump, then using your thumb simply push the plunger and the extractor pump will quickly and effectively remove venoms and poisons from beneath your skin. You can safely reuse the pump many times over by cleaning the cups after each use. The Sawyer Extractor is most effective at retrieving venom outside of the muscle areas of the body. Retrieving venom quickly can significantly improve treatment results by medical practitioners. Note that in muscle areas such as the calf muscle, venom quickly enters the circulatory system and an extractor pump is less effective. Since 1984, Sawyer has used technological advancements to create products that keep you outdoors — from the backcountry to the backyard — including insect repellents for both skin and clothing, water filters for camping and emergencies, and sun protection.