Experience one of gaming's most celebrated sagas with the Gears of War: Ultimate Edition for the Microsoft Xbox One. The shooter that defined the first-generation of HD gaming is rebuilt for Xbox One and loaded with new content.

In Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, you’ll get the complete remastering of the original game - painstakingly reimagined from the ground up with stunning next-gen graphics, recaptured and rebuilt cinematics, and modernized gameplay for an even better experience. And don’t forget the new maps, modes and missions, early access to the Gears of War 4 multiplayer beta, new Achievements, improved haptic feedback and an additional difficulty level - it’s a must-have for every Gears fan and part of the greatest games lineup in Xbox history!

The shooter that defined the first generation of HD gaming has been painstakingly remastered in 1080P and modernized for Xbox One, and is packed full of new content including five campaign chapters never released on Xbox. The most visceral online shooter returns, now at 60 FPS. Includes all original 19 maps remastered and six competitive modes including new Team Death Match, updated King of the Hill and a special 2v2 mode designed by the Gears community.

Gears of War: Ultimate Edition

Gears of War blends tactical action with survival horror and thrusts gamers into a deep and harrowing story of humankind's epic battle for survival against the Locust Horde, a nightmarish race of creatures that surface from the bowels of the planet.

Lead war hero Marcus Fenix and his fire team as they face the onslaught of merciless warrior fiends. A revolutionary tactical combat system and breathtaking, high-definition visuals from the Unreal Engine 3 immerse you in a horrifying story of war and survival.

The battlefield is a lethal place. To survive, suppress your enemy with blindfire, take cover in interactive environments, or use weapons and teammates to outwit your foes!


  • Gears of War's engaging, cinematic story plays out like a Hollywood blockbuster.
  • A.I. teammates are indiscernible from human players in this third-person shooter.
  • To survive you must suppress your enemy, take cover, and use weapons to outlast the Locust Horde.
  • Xbox Live gameplay offers individualized matchmaking, player statistics, customized games, and more.
  • The landmark original Gears of War remastered in full 1080P with five new chapters available for the first time on console.
  • The game that pioneered campaign co-op is back. Complete the campaign solo, with a friend on Live, or in two-player split screen mode.