Events service for heart gold and soul silver . You will mail your game to me and I will add on the events many of us missed as a kid or only available in Japan onto your game . I do not use game sharks or pc injections . I use the mystery gift method for all events. any non authentic games sent to me may not work with these events and there will be a ten dollar non refundable fee for shipping if sent a non authentic cartridge . Games must be English version ( I do not know if they work on any pal or Japanese versions )Shipping to me is your responsibility . I will handle shipping back . This service does not include the game . You are sending me your copy of the game .must be near a poke center . The following events are -

1 amity fields pokewalker route

2 rally pokeWalker route

3 sightseeing pokewalker route

4 winner’s path pokewalker route

5 yellow forest pokewalker route

6 enigma stone

7 10th movie deoxys

8 Japanese ash’s pikachu

9 cinema arceus

10 cinema celebi

11 cinema shaymin

12 crown beast trio ( entei, raikou, suicune)

13 movie regigigas

14 Nintendo zone jirachi

15 Nintendo zone manaphy

16 Pokémon center Evee

17 gold and silver 10th anniversary mew

Let me know when you are ready to ship to me