25 ml Methylene Blue Antiseptic 1% Aqueous Solution Cosmetic Lotion for external use only
(25 мл 1% Водный Раствор Метиленовый Cиний, только для наружного применения)

Methylene blue belongs to the group of antiseptic dyes; has a bacteriostatic effect as a result of interaction with mucopolysaccharides and proteins of microorganisms.

A solution of methylene blue is recommended for use for burns, pyoderma, and various purulent-inflammatory processes of the skin.

And also for cystitis, urethritis for washing.


Purified water, methylene blue (1%).

Recommendations for use:

Externally, locally; on the affected areas 2-3 times a day until the problem disappears. For cystitis and urethritis - rinsing the cavities with an aqueous solution of 1: 5000 (0.02%) (1 drop per 200 ml of water) 1-2 times a day.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, increased sensitivity to the components.

Release form: 25ml / 0,84 fl oz in a plastic bottle, branded packaging.

Terms and conditions of storage: 3 years from the date of manufacturing at temperatures from + 5° to + 25°C. 

If you need further information about the product, please contact us directly.

**Label may vary
💙💛 This product is made in Ukraine.

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Return of goods is possible within 30 days after receipt.
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