1825 Biographia Americana Founding Fathers Washington Franklin Jefferson Adams


Biographia Americana” is a rare, 19th-century reference containing biographical sketches of all of the most important early American figures and founding fathers. Written and collected by Benjamin Franklin French, this book contains descriptions on figures such as:

·        Samuel Adams

·        John Adams

·        Aaron Burr

·        David Brainerd

·        Henry Clay

·        Jonathan Edwards

·        Benjamin Franklin

·        Marquis LaFayette

·        Alexander Hamilton

·        Thomas Jefferson

·        Andrew Johnson

·        John Jay

·        George Washington

·        Cotton Mather

·        And so, so many others


Item number: #24727

Price: $499


FRENCH, Benjamin Franklin


Biographia americana; or, A historical and critical account of the lives, actions, and writings of the most distinguished persons in North America


New York: Published by D. Mallory, 1825. 1st edition


·       Collation: Complete with all pages

o   VII, [1], 356

o   17 full-page engravings (including engraved title page)

·       Language: English

·       Binding: Leather; tight and secure

·       Size: ~8.75in X 5.25in (22cm x 13.5cm)


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