Baby Merc Faster style 3

3 in 1

I was more then happy with these 3 in 1  buggy

It was well used and did lots of miles and never failed us, still plenty of life left😊❤️

The aluminum chassis makes the entire pram light and manoeuvrable thanks to great suspension and is easy to push on any terrain (tested and passed all my tests 😊)

Quite old fashion look but very sporty and nippy😆 comfortable and secure

Large zipper shopping basket

Swivel wheels (360° system)

Pram, stroller and (optionally) car seat module

Baby bag that can be attached to the handlebar

The set includes: pram unit, pushchair seat, car seat,  large basket underneath the pram for easier shopping

baby bag, cup holder, rain cover, mosquito net, changing mat, adapters.