Titles in this set :-

The Law Of Attraction: How to Make It Work For You

Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning To Attract Wealth, Health And Happiness
Description :-

 The Law Of Attraction: How to Make It Work For You...

The Law of Attraction presents the powerful basics of the original Teachings of Abraham®. You’ve most likely heard the saying "Like attracts like," and although the Law of Attraction has been alluded to by some of the greatest teachers in history, it has never been explained in as clear and practical terms as it is in these pages.

Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning To Attract Wealth, Health And Happiness...

This Leading Edge abundance work by Esther and Jerry Hicks evolved from the transcription of the original teachings of Abraham, the loving group consciousness from the non-physical dimension, explains that the two subjects most chronically affected by the powerful Law of Attraction are financial and physical well-being.This motivational book will shine a spotlight on each of the most significant aspects of your life experience and then guide you to the conscious creative control of every aspect of your life, and also goes right to the heart of what most of you are probably troubled by: money and physical health.