eBay Template


Prezzo : £ 473,00

[EN] Description

The material is in perfect condition, both functionally and aesthetically, apart from a few scratches on the external casings, it has traveled 40513 km, it is sold without the starter motor, stator and water pump.
We remind you that this is used material therefore some signs of normal wear will probably be present.
The cost of shipping includes the custom-made wooden crate costing €50.00 to avoid any damage during transport.

[EN] Description

The material presented is in perfect condition, both functional and aesthetic, apart from a few scratches on the external casings, has traveled 40513 km, is sold without the starter motor, the stator and the water pump.
Recall that this is the material used therefore some signs of normal wear will likely be present.
The cost of the shipment includes the wooden case made to measure costing? 50.00 to avoid any damage during transport.

[ES] Description

The material is presented in a perfect state, both functional and aesthetic, apart from some scraps in the external cubiertas, it has covered 40513 km, it is sold without the motor of arranque, the estator and the water bomb..
Remember that this material is used so that some signs of normal burns will probably be present.
The cost of the shipment includes the wooden case for the medium you are asking for? 50.00 to avoid any damage during transport.

[FR] Description

Le matériel présenté est en parfait état, à la fois fonctionnel et esthétique, hormis quelques égratignures sur les carters extérieurs, a parcouru 40513 km, est vendu sans le démarreur, le stator et la pompe à eau.
Rappelez-vous que cela est utilisé du matériel afin que certains signs d'usure standard soient probablement présents.
The cost of the expedition includes the caisse en bois réalisée sur mesure du cost de 50,00 € pour éviter tout dommage pendant le transport.

[DE] Beschreibung

Das material vorgestellt wird in einwandfreiem Zustand, funktionell und ästhetisch, abgesehen von ein paar Kratzern an den Außengehäusen, hat es 40513 km zurückgelegt, wird ohne Anlasser, Stator und Wasserpumpe verkauft.
Erinnern Sie sich, dass dieses Material verwendet wird, so dass einige Anzeichen von normalem Verschleiß wahrscheinlich vorhanden sein werden.
Die Kosten für die Sendung umfassen den Holzkoffer, der nach Maß der Kosten von € 50,00 hergestellt wird, um Transportschäden zu vermeiden.


The following payment methods are accepted:

  • PayPal
  • Wire transfer
  • Cash on delivery + €5.00 on the total


Our shipments are made only by express courier, the cost for Italy is fixed at 9.00 euros for both 1 and more items, the shipment does not change.
We ship all over the world, the rates can be seen when viewing the product, these are not at a fixed price and increase with the increase of the articles and the weight/volume.
We ensure fast delivery of most items.


We provide a guarantee on all of our spare parts sold, but it is essential to keep the receipt attached to the external delivery note of the package or inside it. Without the receipt we cannot give a guarantee.


We all know how important feedback and 5 stars are for us sellers, so we ask you not to give negative or neutral feedback in a hurry, if there were any problems we will do our best to solve them, we are here to work seriously not to scam anyone! Our will is to provide an excellent service to all our customers, but working sometimes there can be hitches, think about it before giving a non-positive opinion ... thank you.

© Tecno Moto SAS


Our shipments are made only by express courier, the cost for Italy is fixed at 9.00 euros for items under 16.00 euros, and free for items over 15.00 euros, whether for one or more items, shipping does not change. We ship worldwide, you see the rates when you view the product, these are not fixed price and increase as the items and weight/volume increase. We ensure prompt shipment of most items.
Material can only be returned if it is defective or does not conform to the description, must not have been tampered with in any way, and must be accompanied by the receipt you find inside the package.