This is a digital map, no physical item will be shipped.

You will be sent a message containing a link to download the map within 1-2 days of purchase.

You will receive the map in two resolutions in .JPG format to best suit your needs : 4k & 2k - These files will be in a .rar (compressed) folder.

If you are looking for a different format, please message me prior to purchasing.

This purchase is for a personal use license of the map, this does not allow you to redistribute or sell my works.

As this item is a digital download, there are no refunds or returns.

If you have any questions before or after your order, please contact me.

Thank you!
Gothic Village Map, DnD Settlement Map, D&D City Map, Dungeons and Dragons, 5e, Roll20, Fantasy Grounds, Foundry, VTT, Digital Map