Starlight Orgonite Pyramid: EMF, 5G Protection and Energy Generator.

"Introducing Starlight our handcrafted EMF protection and positive energy-enhancing orgonite pyramid, meticulously constructed to harmonize your space. This powerful pyramid is a fortress against harmful EMF radiation and 5G frequencies, shielding you and your loved ones while emanating a cascade of positive vibes.

Embedded within its resin matrix are perfectly matched crystals, including 1 lb of Sodalite, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Citrine, Lapis, Copper, and other synergistic metals. Each crystal harmoniously amplifies the pyramid's protective and energizing properties, creating a sanctuary of tranquility in any environment.

Whether placed near electronic devices or as a centerpiece in your home or office, this orgonite pyramid stands as a beacon of balance and well-being, inviting a sense of harmony and vitality into your life. Elevate your space and experience the transformative power of orgonite today."

Weighs 4 lb 14.4 oz

Base wide 5-3/4 in.

High 7-1/4 in.

Orgonite Quick Guide

Derived from 'Orgone,' a term coined by Wilhelm Reich for the universal life force, Orgonite serves as a self-sustaining energy transmutation tool, converting negative life energy into positive vitality.


Organic Material: Epoxy resin, attracting and retaining orgone energy.

Inorganic Material: Various metals, repelling energy and inducing a cleansing effect by oscillation.

Natural Crystals: Predominantly crystal quartz, with additional crystals enhancing the energy dynamics.


As resin cures, it contracts, generating pressure and triggering the piezoelectric effect.

Crystals play a crucial role in converting Deadly Orgone Energy (DOR) into Positive Orgone Energy (POR), thereby vitalizing the environment.

Might have imperfection.