From my personal collection - the complete ATLAN SAGA by Jane Gaskell, plus a bonus in a similar vein, KING'S DAUGHTER. Five of the six volumes feature Boris Vallejo's prized artwork. The fantasy world (South America?) of Atlan is set in a prehistoric time before Earth had a moon. The story is largely told in first person, through the eyes of Princess Cija - who at the age of 17 is turned over as a hostage to General Zerd (a man/reptile hybrid), leading an army that has swept across her mother's domain, intent on capturing Atlan and the Southern Empire. The complex geopolitics are just an exotic backdrop for the connections Cija makes with various men and monsters — and a few women, such as Sedili, Zerd’s Amazonian consort. Throughout the series our heroine, baffled by her own motives, stumbles from one form of erotic captivity to another. And from unwitting incest to impenitent bestiality, Cija has a child by each of her lovers.
1 THE SERPENT - 1985 Daw printing, 320pp
2 THE DRAGON - 1979 printing, 208pp
3 ATLAN - 1979 printing, 308pp
4 THE CITY - 1979 PRINTING, 220pp
5 SOME SUMMER LANDS - 1979 printing, 360pp
Bonus KING'S DAUGHTER - 1979 printing, 280pp
I consider these books to be "very good" condition ... covers generally free of wear and tear (Serpent is bit scuffed), and bindings tight. No rips or tears.