Polished Rutilated Quartz Massage Wand

A polished Rutilated Quartz Massage Wand, weighing approx. 112 grams and measuring approx. 164 x 20 x 18 mm

This wand is has a termination one end, and is rounded at the other. It is formed from natural Rutilated Quartz crystal. 
This is a lovely, slender massage wand with spangled cloudy appearance , almost a golden red hue when held near the light. 
The veiling and rutile within the wand have given it almost an opaque appearance, however you can see more detail when you hold the wand closely to the light. 
There is some natural cracking on the surface of this piece, no doubt incurred by earth movement within the rock over time.

Rutilated Quartz is a protective crystal and provides spiritual growth. It aids scrying and channelling and draws off negative energies. 

Massage Wands are the traditional healing tools of Shamans. They have the ability to amplify, focus and transmit healing energies through the tip of the wand.

A detailed information card will accompany this crystal, listing the Healing/Metaphysical properties attributed to both this style of crystal and Rutilated Quartz.