The fortunate United States Philatelist gets 10 randomly selected high quality covers of a general similitude to the imaging sampling as randomly selected from a great trove at just $35.89 per lot, Fully Post-Paid within the United States, and sent by a tracked shipment, from a mystery lot, that we were fortunate to have recently "excavated", as containing a heritage of some over some 700+  international covers, assorted, that readily offers something that would entice the appetite of every Philatelist, and generally from the richest ages of World Philately. 

We are breaking these up into over 70 distinct 10 cover random lots, and offering up the Full Value at a Price that is Certain to Please, while rendering unmistakable Philatelic Value that will render years of Collecting Pleasure to the discovery Philatelist! 

Perfect for your circuit type Philatelic trades, for International Exchanges with other Trusted Collectors, as Gift to Youth, or simply as finishing touches to the nooks and crannies of major thematically ordered collections to which many nifty finds are very entirely possible from these cherished pickings!  

As we are offering FREE Tracked Shipment to all U.S. based collectors, we are restricting the Sale solely to the United States Postal interiors, owing to the cost prohibitive nature of shipment to foreign zones, which would make our quintessential bargains less cost effective and budget friendly. 

Very sorry to our dear friends Overseas, as we endeavor to cater less bulkier Philatelic selections as fitting bargains to match your unique collecting needs in the very nearest future!  

We remind, that images of individual covers may not be representative of your own unique lot, which we shall randomly pick out from this vast treasure drove, making every lot truly a fully post-paid mystery lot that is assured to surprise the low-budget philatelist of high collecting ideals!