Arranged for the Elementary Pianist or Organist

   Hebrew Festival Melodies arranged for the Elementary Pianist (with words and guitar chord symbols) by Albert Rozin who was organist and music director of Beth Shalom People's Temple of Brooklyn, New York  Vintage 1967.  
     This collection supplies the elementary pianist or organist with the beautiful Hebrew traditional melodies, sung on festivals and on the Sabbath at Temples and Religious Schools.  These are easy arrangements that preserve the flavor of the original harmonies.  
     Hebrew Festival Melodies is a fine collection of the beautiful Hebrew traditional melodies sung on festivals and on the Sabbath at temples, religious schools and at home.  Includes songs for Hanukah, Purim, Passover, Shavuot,  Sukkot, Simchat Tora, Hamishahg Asar Bish'vat, Passover, and the Sabbath.  

Hebrew Festival Melodies
1. Sukkot - Llama Suka Zu  (What's Our Suka For?)
2. Simhat Tora - Simhat Tora  ( All the World is Dancing, Singing)
3. Hanukah - Hanukah (Festival of Joy); My Candles; My Dreydel; Hanukah, O Hanukah; Maoz Tsur (Rock of Ages)
4. Hamishah Asar Bish'vat (The New Year for Trees)  Atzey Zetim Omdin (Olive Trees are Standing (Duet); 
    Bracha L'Tu Bish'vat (Greeting to the New Trees)
5. Purim -  Hag Purim (Purim Day; I Love the Day of Purim
6. Passover - Dayenu (We Should have been Grateful; Adir Hu (Praise the Lord); Eliyohu Hanovi (Elijah, The Prophet)
    Had Gadyo (An Only Kid, My Father Bought for Tow Zuzim)
7. Shavuot - Torat Emet (The Torah of Truth); Baruch Eloheynu (Blessed is the Lord); Yismach Moshe (The Rejoicing of Moses)
8. Sabbath - Eyn Keloheynu (There is none Like Our God); Shalom Aleychem (Pease Unto You); Hatikvoh (the Hope) Hebrew
    National Anthem; Adon Olom (Lord of the Universe)