Hot foot Oil

Hot foot Oil

Hot Foot Oil

Drive away negativity and unwanted influences

Hot Foot Oil is a traditional hoodoo or folk magic oil blend that is believed to be used for removing unwanted or negative people from one’s life. It is often used in practices associated with African American folk magic, as well as in some other magical and spiritual traditions.

The idea behind Hot Foot is that it can be used to make someone leave or move away from you, either physically or energetically, by creating discomfort or a sense of urgency in the person targeted. It is typically used with the intention of getting rid of someone who is causing harm, trouble, or negativity in your life.

Natural Ingredients. Our Hot Foot is made from a blend of high-quality natural herbs and oils, carefully selected for their purifying and protective properties.

Each bottle of Hot Foot is handcrafted in small batches to ensure quality and potency giving you a powerful tool to work with.

Use to remove or “Hot Foot” a negative situation or influence from your life.
Hot Foot Oil by Terra Traders follows a traditional, long standing Hoodoo recipe.

1/2 ounce bottle is for external use only



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Delivery time:
5-7 days


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  • PayPal

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