Pipe MORETTI Marco Biagini; Recanati (Marche).

In 1968, Igino Moretti founded the Moretti Recanati brand in Recanati, Italy. It was later renamed and simplified to Moretti in 2004 and joined the AD year mark in September 2009.

Recanati is a small town full of humanities. In addition to gathering poets, writers and other artistic and literary figures, the development of pipe art is also booming. Recanati is also a distribution center for pipe factories. The tradition of making pipes in the town began in 1850. Among them is a pipe factory called Hully Briar, which had about 50 pipe masters in the early 20th century, which was quite large at the time, and Hully's chief was Mr. Igino Moretti. (Today Moretti's workshop is located across the street from the former residence of the former Italian writer Ciacomo Leopardi.)

During the Great Depression in 1950, the survival of Hully Douchang was affected. So Mr. Igino Moretti was forced to switch jobs to become a train driver, but Mr. Moretti still could not forget his passion for pipes. He often struggled between being a train driver or regaining his status as a trainer, but there is no problem. Troubled Mr. Moretti for too long, he finally founded his own brand---Moretti Recanati in 1968.

At first, in addition to making pipes of its own brand, Moretti also received many OEM orders from well-known brands in order to maintain the livelihood of the workshop. This situation continued until Igino Moretti's son-in-law Marco Biagini took over the brand. Marco believes that Moretti is already a mature brand, and it is enough to support the operation of the studio at present. There is no need to be busy with foundry work, and the output will be reduced and the focus will be on the exquisite own brand of pipes. So he set up a website to display and sell his own pipes. Marco will spend a whole year concentrating on creating, and then sell the results of the whole year every autumn. He sells his own pipes independently, not through middlemen. It is to make the pipe business more simplistic and reduce the pressure of mass production, so he has more time to devote himself to pipe creation and personal leisure. (After the police retired, Marco’s favorite leisure activity was fishing, so the pipe sticks he made in his spare time are like buoys tied to a fishing line)

Marco uses Calabrian heather from Italy and has a very rich stock of heather, which has been air-dried for 10-15 years by Air-Cured. Marco’s requirements for heather are very strict. He will directly discard the defective wood. Therefore, the pipes he makes are mainly smooth pipes, and only less than 5% are etched pipes. He hardly makes sprays unless it is requested by the customer. Sand bucket.

Marco is also one of the very few masters in the world who can use Bog Oak to create pipes. Because these bog oaks are 4000~6000 years old, they are equally expensive except for the rare ones. If they are not skilled, they will usually be masters. Will not use such precious materials. Marco does not use lathe fixtures to make pipes. He is accustomed to let the wood go with the drill, even if it is a flue or a cigarette holder. These techniques will be seen in some Nordic manual bucket masters, but Marco is considered a different kind of Italian bucket master. Because this method is dangerous and very difficult, the stability and strength of the hand must be unmistakable in order to drill a perfect bowl and flue, otherwise it will damage the wood and even cause personal danger. Why Marco chooses Such a laborious method of making pipes? This is related to the "principle of simplicity" he admired. He believes that only by using fewer standard tools can the beauty of pipe craftsmanship be presented. Therefore, Marco's pipes always have a charming simplicity.

The pipe manufacturing process of Moretti, from selecting heather to end dyeing and polishing, is done by Marco himself. This process reduces Moretti's production capacity. Generally, Italian handmade brands will ask helpers and several craftsmen to participate in the production of more pipes. , The pipes produced are so-called mass-produced manual pipes. Marco never pretends to hand others, so he can maintain his consistent quality and is closer to the original intention of his creation. The fans can also perceive the character of the fighter from the pipe. In addition, Marco is also one of the few Italian masters who can make pipes in his own name (the pipes are engraved with personal stamps, because the general Italian brand is done by different craftsmen, so they rarely leave marks directly on the bucket), A senior fighter in his many years of fighting career, in addition to the original 絣 brand, can leave his mark on the work is a proud thing.

The collection of high-end pipes named Marco Biagini is very small, only about 50~80 pipes per year. Among them, some of the Freehand pipes of the size of the giant are unforgettable. You will never see larger and larger pipes in the world. Amazing pipe! Critic Mr. Joseph Hornsby also wrote an article in the North American authoritative publication Pipe Collector, and the founder of Pfeifenbox, Mr. Martin Farrent, also gave a high evaluation of Marco's high-end pipes.

Marco has his unique insistence on the design of stomata. Marco will strive to be unobstructed. After precise testing, Marco especially emphasizes: "A good pipe must be easy to clean after use. Unsmooth corners cannot be hidden in the road, and experienced masters must not ignore this.” In addition, Marco will deliberately leave rough drilling marks on the inner wall of the bucket. This process is very subverting the tradition and its purpose is to help. Users accumulate carbon layer (Cake) faster. And every finished pipe will add Teflon to the mortise core of the cigarette holder to make the mouth easier to remove. Such consideration of details shows Marco's dedication to pipes.

Marco has a unique view of heather, and is at odds with most Danish fighters who follow traditional fights. He believes that wood with good texture does not necessarily mean that heather is good, and he never modifies trachoma, even at higher levels ; It is not his carelessness but because he thinks that trachoma is also part of the heath. There is no need to adapt the pipe shape to avoid the inconspicuous little trachoma, unless the trachoma has already constituted a flaw, and the flawed wood does not need to be cut to avoid it. Sand, burn it as firewood!

Marco is a gentleman with both sensibility and rationality. People who have been with him will definitely be fascinated by his modest smile. When meeting him for the first time, he will greet "My Friend" as kindly as an old friend, plus he is hearty His smile shows full affinity and charm. His attitude towards others is always kind, and his mind is delicate and full of wisdom. Marco Duoqiu has a simple attitude towards life. He is happy to share this philosophy of life. These personalities are directly reflected in his pipe works. From his pipes, he gives a natural and unpretentious impression. Marco’s pipes have no exaggerated appearance. , And there is no gorgeous decoration. I will be surprised by the simplicity and cleanness of Marco’s pipes. His works have a non-staining Natural appearance, and the interior of the bucket exudes a light and corny aroma of heather. And this philosophy of making a bucket is Moretti's workshop has remained unchanged for more than 40 years. Style is too important for an artist, or even a pipe creator, only after seeing Marco's work did he understand what "style" means.

Fortunately, he became acquainted with Marco Biagini in May 2009. He is an Italian handmade pipe maker. Although his pipe brand Moretti is not familiar to the Chinese, his works are fascinated by others. Talking with him, feels cordial and passionate about work. He loves family and life and advocates nature. After he married Mr. Moretti's only daughter, he naturally inherited the family business. Recanati