All items in this listing are new, but some of them have been opened to check the contents, and one was assembled for weighing and measuring.

PLEASE READ THE NOTE ABOUT THE POSSIBLE NEED FOR SPACERS (3rd bullet point).  If you need aerospace-level precision/quality and using a piece of paper to ensure something fits perfectly is below you, then this might not be the product for you.

Notes about this item:
  • According to the scale I use to weigh my eBay shipments (i.e., a scale that is known to be accurate) the weight of the assembled barbell is 6# 7oz.
  • These are pretty nice pieces.  Not absolute top-notch, but they certainly don't feel cheap.  The bar is steel, the threaded connector in the middle is solid steel, and the inside portion of the dumbbell clamps are steel.  The only part that feels a little cheap is the fact that the collars which screw over the dumbbell clamps are high-impact plastic rather than metal.
  • The short version - it takes some trial and error to get put together right and the one-time assembly might take 5-10 minutes instead of 45 seconds.  The one thing I have noticed when assembling one to confirm the length measurement, and then two more for consistency, is that they don't always want to lie flat when you assemble them right out of the box.  The threaded section inside the bars is about 1/16" too deep, so when you assemble it the first piece threads in too far and then the clamps on the ends are slightly askew.  Most of the time it's like one is at 12:00 and one is at about 11:58, but one was off by about a fifth of a turn.  I tried fiddling with which end I threaded in first, but then I realized using 1-2 sheets of paper as a spacer fixes it securely.
  • It's not easy to tell from the pictures, but there is a very firm foam padding that runs the length of the bar.
  • The manufacturer's sales material lists the capacity as 200 pounds; the pamphlet included in the box states it as 80KG, which is 176 pounds.  Honestly though, I can't picture someone who uses 80 or 90 pound dumbbells using one of these instead of an actual solid barbell so frankly the ~25# variance on max weight shouldn't matter.