Rainbow Calcilaca  Buffalo by  Todd Etsate   This is a Buffalo  carving it has  Turquoise horns and Turquoise eyes.

he American buffalo, or bison, is a symbol of abundance and manifestation.

Small but Stunning.

H 20mm

L 28mm

W10 mm

Comes gift wrapped & with our certificate of authenticity

Zuni Animal Carvings 

Many First Nation tribes produce and use

fetishes but the most well-known, and possibly the most skilled, 
are the Zuni  - one of the largest South Western Pueblo tribes of New Mexico.
They are used as talismans, in healing & shamanic ceremonies, as protection 
and for  attracting abundance and fertility. 

The Zuni believe that the animal's powers are present within their fetish animal carving and 

having a fetish blessed is believed to make it more powerful and a 'true' fetish. 

A fetish can represent anything its owner wishes it to and can be carried in a medicine pouch 

or housed in a traditional 'fetish bowl' within the home.

 Many different materials are now used - including antler, horn, bone, glass, amber and shell

 - but there are  certain stones that are traditionally more often used for carving fetishes. 

Picasso marble, jet, alabaster, pipestone, serpentine, black marble, turquoise and dolomite are the most common ones, but any material might be used if the carver visualises the animal spirit it contains.

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Trading in Native American goods since 1997.

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*We are committed to the Reduce-Re-use-Recycle philosophy and therefore buy in as little packaging as possible.

*We use eco-friendly Jiffy Green padded envelopes for sending out small orders. 

They have a 100% recycled paper fibre lining and are fully recyclable, biodegradable, and compostable!!

* Our smudge sticks now come wrapped in brown paper and the majority of our herbs in brown paper bags

*We re-use cardboard boxes, bubble wrap etc where possible and recycle whatever we can't use.


***Thank you for trading with us***

Jon and Rachel