Formulated for specific diet requirements of all goldfish. Nutritionally balanced for beautiful color, consistent growth and palatability. Enhanced with Probiotics and Cobalt Blue Flake’s triple vitamin dose and immunostimulants. In addition, each formula also includes the signature Cobalt BLUE flake that is super-packed with immunostimulants and a triple-vitamin boost which help the fish fight off disease and helps keep it in top shape and color. In addition, Cobalt flakes are packed with Probiotics in the form of Bacillus sp. bacteria that support a healthy digestive system. The scientific advancements of probiotics and vitamins, coupled together with a solid nutritional base, makes Cobalt flake foods the most advanced nutrition available! Will not cloud water. Less waste for a cleaner aquarium!.
Blue Flake (Triple Vitamin Boost, Natural Immunostimulant Beta-Glucan And Chitosan)
Enhanced With Probiotics (Bacillus Sp) To Improve Digestion And Intestinal Wellbeing
Less waste (cleaner aquarium)
Ingredients Sourced From Us And Canada
Made In The Usa