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Over The Wall The Stasi Spy Network in East Germany After World War II

by Davis Truman

Through meticulous research and compelling analysis, this book unravels the insidious politicization of intelligence under Ulbricht's regime. Witness accounts clash with Stasi reports, revealing a stark disparity between the reality of East German sentiments and the distorted narrative peddled to the politburo. As labor unrest simmered beneath the surface, the regime's reliance on manipulated intelligence proved catastrophic. The narrative climaxes with the June 17, 1953 uprising - a pivotal moment in East German history. Amidst the enthusiasm of a million citizens rising against oppression, the fragility of Ulbricht's regime is laid bare. "Over the Wall" lays bare the extent of Ulbricht's manipulation and its profound impact on the tumultuous events of 1953, offering a chilling reminder of the dangers of wielding truth as a weapon.

Brand New


Author Davis Truman
Pages 112
Publisher Vincenzo Nappi
Year 2024
ISBN-13 9798224524082
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2024-02-24
Imprint Vincenzo Nappi
Audience General
