You are bidding on one Document from Grünhain from 1844-1893.

Grünhain is now an OT of Grünhain-Beierfeld (Eastern Ore Mountains).

Contract between two neighbors renewed several times.

First set up on the 1st. November 1844: Master August Grabow receives permission from his neighbor FW Grimm to allow his "water waste to roar into his home in the winter time". In return, he continues to recognize the water waste as the neighbor's property, undertakes all repairs and covers any damage. With seal and signature from Grabow.

Renewed on 31st August 1853 by the son Christian August Grabow after his father's death, continued on August 1st. April 1854 by the new owner Christian Andreas Richter, on April 1st. August 1859 by the new owner Julius Brunn and finally on August 11th. April 1893 by his son Franz Brunn (the neighboring property now belongs to Oskar Grimm).

Format:33x21cm; The last renewal in the format 16.3 x 19.8 cm was glued on.

With ins. 3 seals.

Condition:With more serious defects: ins. stained and water-stained, with edge damage. Please also note the pictures!

First set up on the 1st. November 1844: Master August Grabow receives permission from his neighbor FW Grimm to allow his "water waste to roar into his home in the winter time". In return, he continues to recognize the water waste as the neighbor's property, undertakes all repairs and covers any damage. With seal and signature from Grabow. Renewed on 31st August 1853 by the son Christian August Grabow after his father's death, continued on August 1st. April 1854 by the new owner Christian Andreas Richter, on April 1st. August 1859 by the new owner Julius Brunn and finally on August 11th. April 1893 by his son Franz Brunn (the neighboring property now belongs to Oskar Grimm). Condition:With more serious defects: ins. stained and water-stained, with edge damage. Please also note the pictures!