TAPE IS IN FINE WORKING ORDER with a slight pinkish hue but that just adds to the NOSTALGIA in my eyes. Box is not bad as you can tell from the pictures and this baby is almost 40 years old!

I’ve been a physical media collector for close to 40 years, believe in film preservation, the theatrical experience and there are very few things as important to me as keeping film alive, through conversation, donations, supporting local mom and pop shops, going to the theater and paying money to see 100s, 1000s of people’s extremely hard work put up there on that glorious screen. I will do my part to make sure you film lovers get your tape in perfect condition. I will go above and beyond to ensure their safety while they travel many miles! Thanks for listening to me talk about one of the most important things in my life. I hope they bring you as much joy as they did to me. 🙏☺️

And I promise Stephen Geoffrey’s isn’t as annoying here as he is in FRIGHT NIGHT!