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Answering the Call of the Court

by Vanessa A. Baird

The US Supreme Court is the quintessential example of a court that expanded its agenda into policy areas that were once reserved for legislatures. This book demonstrates that the agenda-setting process begins long before justices choose which cases they will hear.

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Publisher Description

The U.S. Supreme Court is the quintessential example of a court that expanded its agenda into policy areas that were once reserved for legislatures. Yet, scholars know very little about what causes attention to various policy areas to ebb and flow on the Supreme Court's agenda. Vanessa A. Baird's ""Answering the Call of the Court: How Justices and Litigants Set the Supreme Court Agenda"" represents the first scholarly attempt to connect justices' priorities, litigants' strategies, and aggregate policy outputs of the U.S. Supreme Court.Most previous studies of the Supreme Court's agenda examine case selection, but Baird demonstrates that the agenda-setting process begins long before justices choose which cases they will hear. When justices signal their interest in a particular policy area, litigants respond by sponsoring well-crafted cases in those policy areas. Approximately four to five years later, the Supreme Court's agenda in those areas expands, with cases that are comparatively more politically important and divisive than other cases the Court hears. From issues of discrimination and free expression to welfare policy, from immigration to economic regulation, strategic supporters of litigation pay attention to the goals of Supreme Court justices and bring cases that can be used to achieve those goals.

Author Biography

Vanessa A. Baird is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Colorado.


Baird provides a systematic empirical basis for the influence of the justices' policy preferences on the Supreme Court's agenda, and attempts to specify the causal mechanism by which the justices' policy preferences are converted into cases that appear on the Court's agenda. She uses both statistical and qualitative analyses to persuade her readers of the critical role that policy entrepreneurs play in the agenda-setting process. - Law and Politics Book Review

Long Description

The U.S. Supreme Court is the quintessential example of a court that expanded its agenda into policy areas that were once reserved for legislatures. Yet scholars know very little about what causes attention to various policy areas to ebb and flow on the Supreme Court's agenda. Vanessa A. Baird's Answering the Call of the Court: How Justices and Litigants Set the Supreme Court Agenda represents the first scholarly attempt to connect justices' priorities, litigants' strategies, and aggregate policy outputs of the U.S. Supreme Court. Most previous studies on the Supreme Court's agenda examine case selection, but Baird demonstrates that the agenda-setting process begins long before justices choose which cases they will hear. When justices signal their interest in a particular policy area, litigants respond by sponsoring well-crafted cases in those policy areas. Approximately four to five years later, the Supreme Court's agenda in those areas expands, with cases that are comparatively more politically important and divisive than other cases the Court hears. From issues of discrimination and free expression to welfare policy, from immigration to economic regulation, strategic supporters of litigation pay attention to the goals of Supreme Court justices and bring cases they can use to achieve those goals. Since policy making in courts is iterative, multiple well-crafted cases are needed for courts to make comprehensive policy. Baird argues that judicial policy-making power depends on the actions of policy entrepreneurs or other litigants who systematically respond to the priorities and preferences of Supreme Court justices.

Review Quote (previous edition)

""Baird provides a systematic empirical basis for the influence of the justices' policy preferences on the Supreme Court's agenda, and attempts to specify the causal mechanism by which the justices' policy preferences are converted into cases that appear on the Court's agenda. She uses both statistical and qualitative analyses to persuade her readers of the critical role that policy entrepreneurs play in the agenda-setting process. "--author of Law and Politics Book Review

Review Quote

""Baird provides a systematic empirical basis for the influence of the justices' policy preferences on the Supreme Court's agenda, and attempts to specify the causal mechanism by which the justices' policy preferences are converted into cases that appear on the Court's agenda. She uses both statistical and qualitative analyses to persuade her readers of the critical role that policy entrepreneurs play in the agenda-setting process." -- Law and Politics Book Review

Description for Reader

Vanessa A. Baird is Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Colorado.


Author Vanessa A. Baird
Publisher University of Virginia Press
Language English
ISBN-10 0813927757
ISBN-13 9780813927756
Media Book
Format Paperback
Year 2008
Imprint University of Virginia Press
Subtitle How Justices and Litigants Set the Supreme Court Agenda
Country of Publication United States
Birth 1970
Place of Publication Charlottesville
Residence US
DOI 10.1604/9780813927756
AU Release Date 2008-08-13
NZ Release Date 2008-08-13
UK Release Date 2008-08-13
Illustrations 23 figures, 13 tables
Pages 240
Series Constitutionalism and Democracy
Publication Date 2008-08-30
DEWEY 328.34530973
Audience Undergraduate
US Release Date 2008-08-30
