They bid on two climbing letters from 1842 out of Landau (Palatinate).

The rising letter was referred to around the beginning of the 20th century. Century notarized purchase contracts, mainly for real estate. Mainly at officially scheduled auctions, a bidding letter was created as a contract protocol and proof of purchase. The documents generally had to be made on official paper with tax stamps.

Each applies to the same auction, held on 29. September 1842 in Landau (Palatinate) in front of the notary Georg Keller.

The owner Jacob Christoph Jelito auctioned in Landau of the Grieß family in Landautwo arable properties in Landau:
1.) "Plan N. 1137 nine and seventy decimals - 4 quarters of a field at Eitzinger Brunnen, Landauer Bann, next to Jakob Groß, Wiittwe Krauß and Spitalgut, for six hundred five guilders";

2.) "Plan N. 796 a day's work thirty decimal points - 2 acres of fields on Queichheimer Hinterweg, Landauer Banns, next to Jakob Groß Wittwe and Ludwig Wolff; for eleven hundred five guilders."

The purchase was made on the 3rd. October 1842 "registered" in Landau.

Strangely enough, the first climbing letter only covers property plan N. 1137; while the second includes both properties.

Only in the second climbing letter Handwritten receipts from Heinrich Grieß and Jean Grieß for payments received included (dated Landau, 27. November 1842 and 8. April 1843).

Scope: two or three of four pages written (29.3 x 21 cm); Contents on the fourth page.

Written on strong stamp paper (with "dimension stamp" over 21 cruisers); with large watermark "K. BAYER. STAMP PAPER 1841."

The following people act as sellers:

-Johann Grieß, innkeeper in Landau

-Johann Gottfried Grieß, locksmith in Landau

-Philipp Jacob Grieß, baker in Landau

-Philipp Heinrich Grieß, glazier in Landau, also acting as authorized representative for his mother Anna Barbara Grieß, née. Reinhardt (widow of the locksmith Johann Heinrich Grieß), and his adult, single sister Maria Magdalena Grieß.

About the buyer: the owner and bookbinder Jacob / Jakob Christoph Jelito was on the 5th November 1790 in Landau as the son of the citizen and master locksmith Johann Jacob Jelito (1752-1833) and Mary Magdalene, b. Hunchback (daughter of the saddler Georg Michael Glöckner) was born and died on the 15th. April 1852 in Landau. His father was a son of the master locksmith Johann Christoph Jelito (1713-1781) and Catharina Sybille, née. Franck.

Jakob Christoph Jelito married on the 22nd. February 1825 Margeretha Rosina, b. Krauss.


1.) Salomea Amalia Jelito (* 25. November 1825 in Landau); She married the Edenkoben pharmacist Ludwig Wilhelm Reichhold (d. before 1866).

Children were:

-Ludwig Augustus Reichhold (* 5. June 1845 in Edenkoben; gest. 30. July 1872 in Speyer); married Emilie Eppel (1842.) in Speyer in 1871-1914), widow of the merchant Ludwig Hubert Tauwel (d. 1866)

-Johanna Carolina Reichhold (*10. February 1848 in Edenkoben); married the railway controller Franz Driendl in Edenkoben in 1869, their son Eduard Wilhelm Driendl was born on the 5th. Born in Ludwigshafen in May 1871

-Pauline Philippina Reichhold (*9. June 1850 in Edenkoben)

-Hman Adolph Reichhold (*17. October 1851 in Edenkoben)

-Emil Julius Reichhold (*6. July 1854 in Edenkoben); married Therese Helene Amalie Winzer (* 19. June 1858 in Spremberg), whose daughter Charlotte Amalie Emma Reichhold died on June 7th. September 1886 was born in Dresden, and his second marriage was Antonie Martha Langhammer in Dresden in 1893.

2.) Christoph Emil Jelito (* 27. September 1838 in Landau; gest. 22. September 1919 ibid.; his grave is still in the Landau main cemetery today). He married on the 25th. June 1874 Katharina Amanda Schwenck (née 17. February 1854 in Landau, died. 20. December 1906 ibid.), daughter of the landowner Johann Jakob Schwenck. In 1874 he can be found as a police lawyer in Bergzabern, in 1883 as a district judge in Kandel, in 1886 as a senior district judge in Neustadt aH, and in 1891 as a senior district judge in Landau. Children were Dr. med. Friedrich Jelito (1909 high school student) and Emma Rosina Jelito (1909 minor).

3.) George Heinrich Adolph Jelito (* 11. June 1832 in Landau; gest. already on the 1st September 1857 in Worms, where he only stayed for a short time). He attended the Polytechnic School in Karlsruhe, studied chemistry in Würzburg (member of the Corps Rhenania), in 1855 he moved to Herschberg and studied medicine there, and in 1856 he was recorded as a chemist in Landau.

Condition: Strong paper slightly browned and slightly stained; nice condition. bplease note the pictures too!

Internal note: Jelito new

About the buyer: the owner and bookbinder Jacob / Jakob Christoph Jelito was on the 5th November 1790 in Landau as the son of the citizen and master locksmith Johann Jacob Jelito (1752-1833) and Mary Magdalene, b. Hunchback (daughter of the saddler Georg Michael Glöckner) was born and died on the 15th. April 1852 in Landau. His father was a son of the master locksmith Johann Christoph Jelito (1713-1781) and Catharina Sybille, née. Franck. 2.) Christoph Emil Jelito (* 27. September 1838 in Landau; gest. 22. September 1919 ibid.; his grave is still in the Landau main cemetery today). He married on the 25th. June 1874 Katharina Amanda Schwenck (née 17. February 1854 in Landau, died. 20. December 1906 ibid.), daughter of the landowner Johann Jakob Schwenck. In 1874 he can be found as a police