KAWASAKI ZX-9R ZX900B front fairing pulpit mask upper part

KAWASAKI ZX-9R ZX900B front fairing pulpit mask upper part

Item description

Item number: 108747
Vehicle brand: KAWASAKI
Vehicle model: ZX-9R ZX900B
Model year: 1994-1997
Condition: more used - damaged
Description: Front fairing shown, model 1996, 47774 km mileage, Various scratches/streaks - paint defects, stress cracks on the bottom right and left (here glue spots), breakout on the bottom left

KAWASAKI ZX-9R ZX900B front fairing pulpit mask upper part

Item number: 108747
Vehicle brand: KAWASAKI
Vehicle model: ZX-9R ZX900B
Model year: 1994-1997
Condition: more used - damaged
Description: Front fairing shown, model 1996, 47774 km mileage, Various scratches/streaks - paint defects, stress cracks on the bottom right and left (here glue spots), breakout on the bottom left

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    important NOTE

    Further spare parts for this model can be found under the respective shop category.
    These parts will be checked and cleaned. The description and pictures have been taken to the best of our knowledge and belief.

    The following always applies to used parts:

    We check the removed parts carefully and try to describe the condition to you honestly and objectively. Any defects can always be found described in the item and documented visually using several detailed images. Unless there is a further description, the replacement part is in normal condition, as expected given its age. However, it happens that we occasionally overlook something. Of course, we are responsible for this and will then exchange the item without any problems or refund you the purchase price.

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    Description: Front fairing shown, model 1996, 47774 km mileage, Various scratches/streaks - paint defects, stress cracks on the bottom right and left (here glue spots), breakout on the bottom left Description: Front fairing shown, model 1996, 47774 km mileage, Various scratches/streaks - paint defects, stress cracks on the bottom right and left (here glue spots), breakout on the bottom left We check the removed parts carefully and try to describe the condition to you honestly and objectively. Any defects can always be found described in the item and documented visually using several detailed images. Unless there is a further description, the replacement part is in normal condition, as expected given its age. However, it happens that we occasionally overlook something. Of course, we are re