10l Hotel Toiletries Lot Comb Soap Rinse Razors Toothbrush Olas Ritz JW Marriott


Various stuff

The weight in the clear bucket that’s not include it was. 11 lbs . Net weight 10 lbs!!

So I’m guesstimating without the buckets about 10 lbs of miscellaneous stuff mostly corrected that reads Carlton in 2024 and some JW Marriott lots of very wonderful things like we’re Res make up removers dental hygiene, kids lotions razors hair brushes soaps

Make up removers, mouthwashes hair, combs, even some toothpaste

I can throw in a couple of new toothbrushes if it helps :-) I also have a lot of auto Ritz Carlton memorabilia, such as logo cups, hotel key cards, pens, note pads

Please let me know what you’re interested in and I can factor it into the prize or if it’s something small like an add it as a bonus