Sea Breezes Vol 49 No 352 April 1975 The Magazine Of Ships And The Sea

80 Pages approx 5.25 inches x 8.25 inches

Good condition but will have some foxing or discolouration and musty aroma commensurate with the age of the magazine.

List of contents
Ships in the News: Tankers in the Doldrums
A Master and his Ship: Capt. N. A. Perry and the "City of Hull"
Steamers of the Past: Atlantic Transport Liner "Minnewaska" of 1923
Flags and Funnels: Norwegian Nostalgia
Ships on Stamps: Mail Ships and Berlin Ferries
New Ships: Giant for Swedish Flag
Burrell's "Straths" (1)
Short Sea Survey: Big Ferry Problems
Book Reviews
Voyage of the 'David Gestetner"
Ship Society Meetings
Slop Chest