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Food Regeneration Guide Blood Group O Diabetic

by Manuel Ramoni

Worse Foods (Blood Bundles, Sick and Aged). ___ Wheat, Milk or Cow Cheese, Pork, Delicatessen, Coffee, Melon, Tangerine, Orange, Fried Foods, Peanuts, Cauliflower, White Sugar___ FOOD ACCORDING TO YOUR BLOOD GROUP. BLOOD GROUP "O DIABETIC" - THE HUNTER. What you will learn in the following pages will change your life and that of your loved ones forever and in such a precise and safe way that in a few weeks they will feel the changes in their body in such a radical and different way, that They will feel and will be younger, stronger, more vigorous, full of energy, vitality and most importantly ... Full of great health and that when any viral or bacterial disease wants to enter their body, they will hardly feel a breakdown since their immune system and "ALKALINITY" (This I will show you later) will be so strong that it will be almost impossible for them to ever get sick again (this if they keep their new culture of eating and living that I will teach them for life) and consequently take them to live the 100-year-old average.

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Author Manuel Ramoni
Pages 44
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9781312258976
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-08-04
Subtitle How to Regenerate to be Strong and Healthy
Place of Publication Morrisville
Country of Publication United States
Audience General
US Release Date 2023-08-04
