imelt 70 for melting wax.

Used for candle making, wax melts etc

This is the 70 litre size and so is great. This makes your life as a candle maker easier.

Here’s the full specs from candle shack website

The iMelt is a digitally controlled wax melter, perfect for small to medium manufacturing operations or the serious hobbyist.

Click here to read All You Need To Know About iMelts blog article.

See the details on the larger size here*at0x2f*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTYyNDgxMTQ3OC4xNzE0MzkxMTMz*_ga_F4NHH4VQJS*MTcxNDM5MTEzMi4xLjAuMTcxNDM5MTEzMi4wLjAuMjE3MzM5NDcy&gclid=Cj0KCQjwir2xBhC_ARIsAMTXk84ldWQEi5uLJZifq7fSCYio8WRFU8dY09PoeKKDT-j2QxfzWK3lzzoaAjwFEALw_wcB