Reconnect, remember, and resonate with the primordial wisdom of Lemuria
The Lemurian Tuning Forks™ feature a potent set of frequencies based on the mystical keynote of 432 hertz harmonized with the geometries of the Pythagorean Triangle and the Phi Ratio. This extraordinary sacred harmony forms a Sonic Merkaba which will open the gateway to profound journeys of consciousness.
Experience them now to: 
Experience never before combined Sonic Ratios for Healing & Transformation
Balance & Activate your Body, Mind and Spirit
Open a Gateway to Higher Realms of Consciousness
Create a Spiraling Diamond Vortex of Sacred Sound.
Ancient Frequencies for Future Evolution
Lemuria. The ancient Motherland of Humankind. Long lost beneath the waters of the Pacific and shrouded in the mists of time, yet still vibrantly alive in the imaginations and visions of seekers and sensitive souls.
Thanks to the visionary research of Healing Sounds pioneer, Jonathan Goldman, the eternal resonance of Lemuria is now available to explore anew!
Experience never before combined Sonic Ratios for Healing & Transformation
Balance & Activate your Body, Mind and Spirit
Open a Gateway to Higher Realms of Consciousness
Create a Spiraling Diamond Vortex of Sacred Sound
The Lemurian Tuning Forks™ feature a potent set of frequencies based on the mystical keynote of 432 hertz harmonized with the geometries of the Pythagorean Triangle and the Phi Ratio. This extraordinary sacred harmony forms a Sonic Merkaba which will open the gateway to profound journeys of consciousness.
More Info:
Enjoy the essential energy balancing ratio for healing and transformation!