More than half of American people believe Donald Trump received help from Russia to become the United States President.  History will remember this fact. Donald Trump will always be an illegitimate President to people throughout the world. 

On a tweet dated February 4, 2017 famous movie maker Michael Moore wrote:

" Thank you, So-Called President Trump! I've been struggling for 2 weeks over what to call you, and your tweet here gave us the answer."

These same words have been used by Mexican President Vicente Fox and other U.S. officials to describe the So-Called President Trump.

Just recently, on August 15, 2017 LeBron James, the famous NBA superstar, gave an emotional speech addressing the violence in Charlotesville (Virginia) and stated:

 " It's not about the guy that's the So-Called President of the United States..."


The domain name So-Called President Trump has become very popular and memorable thanks to several famous people using this descriptive label. The domain has the potential for internet marketing and branding development. This domain name can serve as the title to a documentary or a critical movie that correctly describes the way millions of Americans feel about fake President Trump. 

If you read below you will see that I do own other variations of the extension above and I will gladly give those for free to the successful buyer. 

Let me offer a little grammar insight here: "So-Called" requires a hyphen. (in its original tweet Mr. Moore included the hyphen)

The hyphen (dash) ties the words together so that the reader quickly understands that the writer is using an idiom.  The only way you can really be sure when to use a hyphen is after years of listening to the language and learning when certain word phrases need hyphens. For example, the slang phrase "son-of-a-b..." just means "disgusting person" and not actually "son of a dog"

(the following explanation I took from google)

adjective :
used to show that something or someone is commonly designated by the name or term specified.
"next on the list are so-called chemicals like phosphorous acid"

synonyms: inappropriately named, supposed, alleged, presumed, ostensible, reputed;


also, used to express one's view that a name or term is inappropriate.
"she could trust him more than any of her so-called friends"

"So-called" is in fact a tricky idiom. We call Donald Trump "President" but it is really just an official title - in fact, "So-Called President Trump" means that Trump is president in name only (and has no true ability whatsoever to be President).

The word "the" in the English language is called an "article". 

It is not actually especially necessary to use the article -  "The So-Called President Trump" means almost the same thing as "So-Called President Trump" - but, grammatically, it is more correct. 

The asking price commands a higher price because it refers to a historic person that will be remembered as fake and as someone who had such negative impact on American life.