🌟For the past 50 years, I have traveled throughout the U.S. attending sporting events, live concerts, and conventions. At every event, I would always try to preserve the memory with items from the event. This is one of those items.

Growing up in Seattle, and spending most of my life there, I had season tickets to the SuperSonics, Seahawks, Sounders, and Thunderbirds. In my younger years, my older brother took me to see the MLB Seattle Pilots all of the time.

I’ve always been very proud of everything I own, and with that, I take good care of all of my possessions.  This item has been protected to keep it in the best possible condition.  Please see the photos. If you would like more photos, just ask, it’s no problem.

With this purchase, you have a 100% money-back guarantee inside and outside of the United States, so no worries. I’ve sent items as far away as Australia and Europe without an issue.

I’ve decided to sell all of my miscellaneous varied belongings as well as my sports memorabilia, which includes, in the ballpark of 15,000 individual trading cards. Don’t ask me what I may have, because I truly can’t remember. The only time I know what I have is when I go into my storage unit and open a new box. For me, that is as much fun as opening a pack of baseball cards I just bought yesterday.

Since I cannot take these items with me when I die, I thought I could find a good home for them before that happens. One memory at a time…