Note: Many of my clients are expert chefs and food service professionals, homemakers, and aspiring Chopped Champions seeking detailed information about their preferred fields of cuisine. For their convenience I include the following details directly from this book:

Recipes, Etc. in this Book (Partial Only, See Full Contents Below): Antique Cookbook Vintage Victorian Cookery Cook Cooking Chef Kitchen Cuisine Recipes Receipts Housewife Housekeeper Home Homemaker Parlor Dining Room Cottage Furnishing Decoration Marriage Husband Wife Women Etiquette Family Life Domestic Service Household Daily Life Hospitality Children Mothers Babies Kitchen Breakfast Menu Bills of Fare Meals Entrees Bread Puddings Desserts Sauces Eggs Seafood Fish Meat Steaks Beef Soups Vegetables Souffle Confectionery Appetizers Side Dishes Salads Muffins Cakes Pies Pastry Custard Biscuits Ice Cream Sandwiches Boiling Broiling Roasting Baking Fricassee Christmas Dinner Fruit Jellies Preserves Preserving Pickling Marmalades Family Children Son Daughter Boys Girls Housekeeping

HOUSE AND HOME: A Complete Housewife’s Guide. By Marion Harland. Published in 1889 by P.W. Ziegler & Co., Philadelphia. 9” x 7.5” cloth hardcover. Illustrated “with original engravings,” including color plates. 532 pages.

Condition: GOOD ANTIQUE CONDITION. Nice exterior as shown in photo, light wear including a ding/scrape on the rear spine edge. Front inner hinge cracked/repaired. Text is clean and complete. No torn, loose or missing pages. Nice and rare. You never see this one at auction anymore.

NOTE: I recently acquired a wonderful collection of antique cookbooks, receipts books, etc. Some I have offered on eBay already. Some are currently at auction right now, while still others are waiting to be auctioned in coming days and weeks. If you love to collect these old volumes of cookery, "domestic economy," formularies, etc., I urge you to visit my auctions frequently to see what each new day brings. Thank you for your interest in my books.


This is Marion Harland’s HOUSE AND HOME, or “A Complete Housewife’s Guide.” This enormous book combines chapter upon chapter of practical household advice with a large collection of more than 500 cooking recipes arranged as seasonal “bills of fare.”

Mary Virginia Terhune was a best-selling writer of women’s fiction novels in the 19th century. She lived at Pompton, New Jersey. Under her pen name, “Marion Harland,” she published 25 novels and three volumes of short stories over the course of her lifetime. But she also wrote an almost equal number of cookery books and books of household/homemaking instruction and advice, including such gems as Cottage Cookery..

HOUSE AND HOME is pure Marion Harland. Her prose style is witty, barbed, outspoken and unmistakably feminist (if she were alive today, she would have her own TV show on cable). She ably leads the reader through the rituals of the household, explaining the requirements and expectations of a successful housewife. At the same time, she takes on the role of mentor, relying on her own experience to show young wives how to avoid being taken for granted or treated like servants by their husbands.

Take a peek at the Contents below. By the chapter summaries alone, you’ll see that Mrs. Harland was no shrinking violet. Further down the page, I have summarized the many different cookery recipes found in the book. You can also see some of the charming color and other illustrations.

HOUSE AND HOME is a wonderful period item and a fine example of why Marion Harland’s works have proven so desirable to collectors over the years. I hope you’ll take a few moments to have a look.

Contents Are:

CHAPTER ONE ~ THE HOUSEKEEPER AND THE HOME-MAKER: Every House has a Keeper. * Exception. * Lowest Form of Human Living. * The Model Housekeeper. * Her Four Utensils. * Supererogatory Works of Cleanliness. * Is Her Life Worth Living? * Keeping House not Wisely, but Too Well. * The "Nasty-Particular" Housewife. * " My House" and "Our Home"

CHAPTER TWO ~ IF NOT STRAW – STUBBLE: The Esthetic Craze, and its Effects upon American Homes. * Respectable "Specimens” of Our Homes. * The Substantial Three-Story-Brick, and How it is Furnished. * Honest John's Views on the Subject. * Husbandly and Wifely Conferences, anent Changes. * The Quiet-Eyed Woman who Loves Beauty. * Modern Manuals * "There is No Use Trying" * The Back- Parlor. * Mortuary Memorial Mantel. * Fire-Place. * Mantel Shelves. * Book Shelves. * Japanese Drapery and Family Portraits. * Reading-Table and Lamp. * Pillows, Cushions and afghan. * Resting Place. * Curtains, Easels, and Palm. * The Old Arm-Chair. * The Presence. * Reconciliation of Carpet and Wall-Paper. * "Strengthen the Things that Remain" * The Front-Room. * Hints Few and Feasible. * Live in Your Rooms.

CHAPTER THREE ~ THE DINING-ROOM, MEALS AND SERVING: Ingenious Architect's Utopian Plan. * Why He Failed. * The Genteel Tank in which People Eat. * Disadvantage. * Make the Best of what is. * A Meal a Graceful Ceremony. * The Dumb Man's Visible Thought. * Hard and Homely Lives. * The Discouraged House-Mother. * Baron Trenck's Etched Pannikins. * Jane Welsh Carlyle. * "Waiting for a Rise." * The Table. * Care of and Respect for Dainty Wares. * Living up to the Old Blue Teapot. * Decorous Serving and Waiting. * How "Father" Carves and Helps. * Major Trencher and Saucerlings. * College Sons 'and Society Girls. * "Feeds" versus Dining. * Mothers over Fifty Years Old. * Too Late to Rectify Little Matters which are Not Trifles. * Children as Waiters. * How to Wait and be Waited Upon. * Fear of Innovations. * John is – JOHN!

CHAPTER FOUR ~ COTTAGE FURNISHING: What is a "Cottage?" * Barbarism of White Paint and Green Blinds. * Exscind "Massive "and "Rich." * Hard- Wood Floors, and Painted Boards. * Sanitary Rugs and the Week's Work. * Carpets. * Farmeress and Her “Taypestry Brussels." * Cheap Carpets a Blunder. * English Ingrain. * Mattings. * Styles and Prices. * Shades and Curtains. * Straw Chairs. * Sets and "Setts." * YOURSELF, Your Mark * Books are Aristocrats. * Bamboo Settee and Cushions. * Domestic Upholstery. * Trunk Lounges. * Cheese-Box. * Covered Bath-Tub. * How to take off the Edges of the Strictly Useful. * Bed Coverings. * Table-Ware, Cheap and Pretty. * Extremes of Scantiness and Crowding. * Jumble of Ornaments. * Seasoning, to taste.

CHAPTER FIVE ~ LICENSED BEGGAR, OR BUSINESS PARTNER: Loveless Marriage, Legalized Crime. * Thoughtless Marriage, Sinful Folly. * Truest happiness Found in Marriage. * The Ideal Marriage. * Nice Every-Day, Pretty Well-Satisfied Couples. * The Great Majority of Couples. * A Good Thing that Might be Made Better. * The Great Stumbling Block. The Family Income. * The Scorpion-Lash that Drives Wives Mad. * John Has His Say. * Why a Woman Minds Asking for Money. * Wives Should not Mind Being Treated as Paupers, But they do. * An Ill-Favored Curling. * "Man the Bread Winner; Woman the Bread Eater." * The Old, Old, Hateful Story. * "Ole' Marster an' My Chillun." * Mrs. A. and Her Dividends. * Charley's Whim. * Mrs. B. and "the Sivinty-five Cints." * Mrs. C. and the Penciled Butcher's Bill. * Mrs. D. and How She Duped Her John. * Mrs. E. and Her Ethics. * A Forgetful Husband. * Mr. F's Story. * No Shoes to Wear. * A Guild of Privileged Paupers. * Ask Them how They Like It. * Representative John to the Front. * "Would You Have My Wife Earn Her Own Living?" Nine Times Over. * Flattening the Base of the Egg. * Solomon Grundy and His Query * The Etiquette of Family Life

CHAPTER SIX ~ THE ETIQUETTE OF FAMILY LIFE: Another Fellow's Sister. * Grace Over the Whole Barrel. * Philemon Nemo and Baucis * Definition of Courtship * Temporary Insanity. " * Breakfast in the Nemo Household. * The Scalded Hand. * Then and Now. * Sentiment Dies Hard in Women. * Cup and Tumbler. * "Brute" and "Boor.” * Sketches from Life. * A Savage in Every Man. * Not a Trial Effort. * Model Daughter and Gray-haired Father. * Company and Every-Day Manners. * The Inference is Patent * One of Two Things is Wrong. * The Responsibility of Wives in this Matter. * "Only My Wife." * Baucis a Cipher. * The Husband Has Gone Out of the Business * Taking the Boys Down. * Seed of an Ugly Plant * The Toss-and-Tumble Style of Home Life * Crockery Platters and Garnished Porcelain * “ We Understand Each Other." * "Hallo, Old Girl! " * Pet Hedgehogs. * Human Pig-nuts. * Sincere and Sweet, and Sincere and Sour. * Hearts Won are Not Hearts Kept. * A Simple Rule of Action. * Rough Words and Smooth.

CHAPTER SEVEN ~ THE VEXED QUESTION – DOMESTIC SERVICE IN AMERICA: English Journal and American Manual. * "Are there No Servants in the United States?” * English "Servantgalism" * Continental Pikes and Butcher-knives. * Iron and Clay. * "Ich Dien.” * "I Serve." * An Obvious Truth. * "Girls." * “Her and She." * Daughter Robbed. * Mother Robbed and Shorn. * If no Servant, No Mistress. * Bridget, Katrine, and Victoria-Columbia-Celeste. * English Phillis and English Abigail. * Service as Truly a Trade as Millinery. * " Miss "Howard, Halyburton and Hamilton”. * Ellen and the Country Aunt. * "Me Mother's Sister, Mem!” * The Handicapped Mistress. * The Cross of "Living Out." * Is the Situation Hopeless ? * Mrs. Whitney's "May-be." * You Are the Firm. * Auditor and Junior Partner. * The Head the Only Indispensable Member of the Corporation. * Belt and Wheel. * A Crying Need. * " The Girl "Holds the Winning Card." A “Stiff-Ticket" * Reference a la mode. * Margaret 's Tricks and Drawbacks. * A Cyclone in Calico. * A Treasure, But Dishonest. * Purblind and Virtuous Complacency. * Only Safe and Honorable Thing To Do. * Nine Cases Out of Ten. * Ten Cases Out of Ten. * Rule that Should Work Both Ways. * The Hard Mistress. * The "Hard Place" a Small Pox Placard * Curses to be Shunned for Others as for Ourselves. * A Word of Caution * A Paragon in Every Hireling Not To Be Expected.

CHAPTER EIGHT ~ WHY MONDAY?: “Not Customary, You Know!" * Is Any Day Less Convenient?" * Steam, Stress and General "Stew" of Washing-Day. * Tommy Snooks and Betsey Brooks. * Abrupt Change Prom Day of Rest. * Blessed Calm of Sunday. * Monday Like a Cold Snap in Spring. * Peter and Paul. * Blue and Black Monday. * Warmed-overs, Pick-ups and Make-shifts. * Homeliness of Home. * One Mother's Pretty Device. * Astonishing Slowness of Apprehension and Narrowness of Mind. * What the Brave Lady of the Future Will Do, * Haunting Demon of Civilization. * Dirt.

CHAPTER NINE ~ “LADY”: "Loaf-Giver.'' * Lettice of Warwick; Elizabeth of Hungary; Katherine Parr; Lady Lothrop. * Definition of "Lady." * Meaningless Application. * General S. and the Washlady's Husband. * The Boarding-Home and Sewing-Machine. * Resolution of the Board of Management. * Refinement of Sarcasm * Arrogant Claim of Silly Illiteracy. * The Royal Name of Woman. * "Salesladies;" "Foreladies." * Ruskin's Deliverance on this Subject. * Correspondent Title to “Lady” being “Lord.” * "Saleslords;" "Washlord.” * No “Below-stairs” in a Republic. * Action, Not Condition, Makes the Noble Man or Woman. * Tottering on the Main Truck * "Lady-Help Wanted."

CHAPTER TEN ~ MOUSE OR RAT?: Anecdotes Like Comets. * Madame and Monsieur. * Stubborn Effort to Set Other People Right. * Society By the Ears. * Little Foxes. * Story of Vulgar Fellow in His Carriage, and Gentleman Driving a Wagon. * Hard To Allow One's Friends To Be Mistaken. * A Good Story. * My Neighbor's Opinions. * Your Sister's Carpet. * Musician and Mistaken Performer. * Restiveness of Reformer Under Criticism. * Web not of our Weaving, Nor For Our Wear. * Let Others Enjoy Their Opinions. * If They Annoy Yon, Get Away From Them

CHAPTER ELEVEN ~ HOUSEHOLD WORRIES: Woman's Daily Life, One Part Work and Three Parts Worry; A Man's, One Part Worry and Three Parts Work. * Men Are Courageous, Women Patient. * "Not My Way of Doing Business!" * Difference in Man's and Woman's Method. * Usually the Woman Has None. * Veteran Housekeepers and Printed Manuals. * "No Particular Rule." * Administration and Execution. "Keeps a Dog and Does His Own Barking.” * Doherty’s Description * Hands and Assistants. * Wife's Agony of Self-Upbraiding. * Husband's Criticism. * The Large Establishment No Exception. * The Most Defenceless Class in the Community. * An Uneasy Ocean Casting Up Mire and Dirt. * Household Worries Should Be Superficial. * Prince Henry. * Woman in Insane Asylum Polishing One Window-pane. * Type of Thousands.

CHAPTER TWELVE ~ VISITED: Is Hospitality a Duty ? * Syllogism. * The Fisherman Apostle. * Latch-string superseded by Spring-bolt and patent Key. * R. S. V. P. The quid pro quo of Receiving and Entertaining. * "Quite one of The Family" * Young Girls in Virginia Country House. * One Day's Experience. * Flying One's Own Colors. * The English Method of Giving Invitations. * Fashion of "At Home." * What it Means. * Compliment, Not Slight. * Unconscious Impertinence of Coming "Some Other Time." * Fatuous Self-Conceit. * Too Much Ceremony. * Benevolent Torture. * Definition of "a Bore." * Talent of Entertaining Well. * Visitor of the Spongiest Type. * Roasted Hostess. * The Blessed Three. * A Misnomer

CHAPTER THIRTEEN ~ VISITOR: "Hospitate" * Crust of the Loaf. * Tasteless Shell. * Successful Hosts depend upon Appreciative Guests. * Patronizing Visitor. * "Can't you let me off this once?" * Delicate Flattery. * One Guest, and His Exactions. * The Health-Bread of Another. * Mungo Park and Zulu Woman. * Too Late, and Too Early. * Piano at Dawn. * Do not Gossip of your Host. * Over-Praise is Patronage. * Exertion to be Agreeable.

CHAPTER FOURTEEN ~ WITH OUR GIRLS: "Heaven Help the Men." * Requisites for Spinster, and for Wife. * "Low." Our Girl Speaks Her Mind. * Drift of Thistle-Down. * The Man who Knows No Better. * The Man who Means Well. * Pree-and-Basy Youth. * Friendship Between the Sexes. * Missionary Work.

CHAPTER FIFTEEN ~ OUR VOICES: Pompeiian Guide upon American Voices. * Bayard Taylor's Definition. * "National Catarrh." * Indignant Divine. * Statesman and Kinsman. * Cause and Possible Cure. * Loudness of Tone. * "Sweet-faced and Shrill- voiced." * "Peacocks' Gala-Day.” * Family Party at Delmonico's. * Quality and Key of Voice. * Use of Soft Pedal and Legato Movement * Heredity. * Ben Jonson and John Sylvester.

CHAPTER SIXTEEN ~ HOW WE SPEAK: Common Sense and Sad Experience. * Go Astray as Soon as Born, Speaking Double Negatives. * A "Real Lady." * Magnificent Woman and Her Speech. * Persistent Mangling of Vernacular. * A Mystery. * Self-Made Man and Murdered English. * Diamonds Set by Blacksmith. * An Anomaly. * People Who -----! * A D. D., F. F. V. * When the Foible becomes Guilt. * No Excuse. * Impossible to Speak Too Well. * What We Owe to Our Mother Tongue, and to Ourselves.

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN ~ THE CANDY CURSE: Candy-Eating Babies. * The Family Sweet Tooth. * Pound a Week. * "Sweeties" Follow Civilization. * Literary Club and Candy. * Girl of Fourteen and Her "Bedside Comforter." * Sugar as an Exclusive Article of Diet. * Dr. Edson's Analysis of Poisonous Candy. * Natural Taste for Sweets, A Feminine Vice.

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN ~ WITH OUR BOYS: William Wirt * "Small, Sweet Courtesies of Life." * Gentleman of the Old School. * "To Herd." * Etiquette of Men's Hats. * Our Boys, and Graceful Ways. * Cheap and * Undue Familiarity of Speech Leads to Freedom of Touch. * Bovine Gambols. * "Honored Madam." * Womankind, and Respect due Them * As Such.

CHAPTER NINETEEN ~ OUR BOYS AND OUR BOYS’ FATHER: Anecdote of Boston Clergyman and Deacon. * "The Only Way to Cure Your Boy!" * Girls like Hop-Vines, are Brought Up. * Boys Grow Up. * Dick's Evenings at Home. * Bumptiousness and What It Means. * Dutch Justice. * " Mothers somehow make Allowances for Everything” * “Out Again?" * The Mother's Reply. * Other Words.

CHAPTER TWENTY ~ LITERARY LIFE OF THE HOUSEHOLD: Literary Life of the Household * Some Households have None. * Representative Middle-Class Families. * Definition of "Literary." * Home-Education to School Children. * Rising Man without Early Advantages. * Above the Mud. * Business Man and The Newspaper. * "Fooling over Books." * Silas Lapham. * "No Time to Read." * No Higher Mission than the Mothers. * The Mother's Duty. * The Woman who Will Read.* "Life Without Letters."

CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE ~ WOMEN AS MOTHERS: "Reasons why Women should not Vote." * The House-that-Jack-built. * A Mystery. * Society Girl. * ^The Young Wife. * Chronically-fatigued. * No Training for Maternal Office. * The First Baby. * Margaret Fuller's Cry. * Unique of Motherhood.

CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO ~ OUR BABY: Queen. * Mother Nature. * Pair of New Mothers. * All the Difference in the World. * The Wonderful Baby. * Elsie Venner and "Rose-Bud." * Husband's Work and The Wife's. * Living Over Our Own Lives Again. * Plaint over the First-Born. * This Life Worth Living.

CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE ~ VAGARIES OF THE AMERICAN KITCHEN: "Twenty-Seven Religions and One Gravy." * Our Housewife's Warm, Substantial Breakfast. * Boiled Tea. * " Some Substance into It." * Grilled Leather-and-Fat. * Soup and Slops. * Family Pastry. * Fat and Frying-Pan. * Drained Dishes and Undrained Vegetables. * Burnt Toast. * Jamestown Tower and Plymouth Rock. * Sooty Idol * Hope for the National Cuisine.

CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR ~ BREAKFAST AS IT SHOULD BE: Breakfast as it Should Be * Our Movable Feasts. * Jones, Mechanic. * Melchius Jones, Esq., Manufacturer and Millionaire. * Continental Breakfast. * Why We do not Adopt * Paterfamilias utters His Mind. * Goblin Care at Early Morning. * Father at Breakfast Behind Newspaper. * Like Spavined Horses. * Bill-of-Fare, and How to Eat Breakfast. * Christianizing Influence of Breakfast-Table.

CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE ~ THE TEA TABLE: Yorkshire Tea, Eighty Years Ago. * Our Big and Varied Teas. * Supper. * An Overgrown Caricature. * Family Tea versus "Spread." * Dry, Cold and Cheerless Evening Meal. * Something Better. * "Our Best China and Sunday Nights." * Supper-Rolls and Wifely Devotion. * Omelette, rather than Rose-bud. * Means of Grace and Beauty.

CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX ~ WHAT OUR CHILDREN EAT: Dr. Fothergill upon Food for the Nursery. * "With Impunity." * Two-Year-Old Baby and Wind-fall Pears. * Whey-faced Three-Year-Old. * Bobby's Breakfast, Dinner and Supper. * Why the Trial-Balance does not come out Right. * Heredity? Our British Cousins. * American Lad upon Diet of Princes. * Bobby's Baby-Brother.


SPRING BILLS OF FARE ~ 125 Recipes Arranged in Bills of Fare for Breakfast, Luncheon and Dinner: Coarse Hominy * Potato Rolls * Fried Pigs’ Feet. Breaded * Buttered Toast * Roe Omelette * Steamed Brown Bread * Stewed Potatoes * Chocolate * Pure Maigre * Baked Shad * Beefsteak with Sherry Sauce * Sauce * Spinach au naturel * Suet and Sago Pudding * Neapolitan Sauce * Wheat Germ Meal Porridge * Ragout of Liver * Egg Biscuit * Watercresses * Strawberries * Clam Scallops * Deviled Tongue * Brown Potato Soup * Shad Baked with Wine Sauce * Larded Leg of Mutton * Green Peas * Stewed Macaroni * Strawberry Shortcake * Brewis * Cornmeal Dodgers * Deviled Beef in Batter * Scalloped Cod, Halibut or Salmon * Hashed Potatoes, Browned * Lady Cake * Catfish Soup * Larded Liver * Canned Corn Pudding * Stewed Tomatoes * Russian Cream * Graham Porridge * Fried Tripe * Rice Muffins * Fried Potatoes * Meringued Eggs * Welsh Rarebit * Prudence’s Gingerbread, without eggs * Cocoa-theta * Corn Soup * Boiled Cod * Egg Sauce * Baked Mutton Chops * Baked Spaghetti * Fried Bananas * Orange Pudding * Fresh Mackerel * Farina Cakes * Galantine * Minced Potatoes * Cress Salad * Asparagus Soup * Boiled Bass * Roast Sweetbreads and Peas * Young Onions * Belle’s Bright Thought * Wheat Germ Meal * Broiled Shad * Melissa’s Shortcake * Scalloped Fish * Deviled Biscuits * Pop Overs * Mulligatawney Soup * Imitation Terrapin * Succotash * Marmalade Pudding * Fruit * Graham Flakes * Apples and Bacon * Corn Bread * Salmon Fingers * Dressed Potatoes * Corn Starch Hasty Pudding * Hasty Pudding Sauce * Fish Bisque * Roast Sweetbreads * Imitation Spaghetti * Rice and Tomato * Graziela Pudding * Eggs in Toast Cups * Savory Rice and Brains * Tomato and Lettuce Salad * Ambrosia * Neetmok Soup * Clam Soup * Leg of Mutton with Caper Sauce * Lobster Salad with Cream Mayonnaise * Crushed Strawberry Ice Cream * White Cake * Milk and Rice Porridge * Shad au Gratin * Aunt Chloe’s Muffins * Chicken Croquettes * Home-Made Crackers * Cornmeal Cup Cake * White Soup * Veal and Ham Cutlets * Asparagus * Young Beets * Strawberry Trifle * Oatmeal Gruel * Curried Eggs * Flapjacks * Mock Snipe * Rice Pilau * Oranges Cut up with Sugar * Tomato Bisque * Chicken Fricasee * Bermuda Onions, Stuffed * Potato Croquettes * Chocolate Trifle * Milk Porridge * Brown Stew of Liver * Egg Gems * Broiled Smoked Salmon * Sweetbread Salad * Oatmeal Scones * Cream Soup * Glazed Cod * Larded Chickens * Cauliflower with Cheese Sauce * Fatima’s Pudding * Baked Fish Cake * Scrambled Eggs * Corn Cakes * String Bean Salad * Fried Bananas * Chicken Bisque * Brisket of Beef a la Mode * Stewed Corn * Lima Beans * Browned Sweet Potatoes * Batter Pudding * Cream Sauce * Mush and Milk * Oyster Omelette * Waffles * Stewed Potatoes * Rechauffe of Fish * Tomato Toast * Crackers and Cheese * Rusk * Black Bean Soup * Fried Shad with Sauce Piquante * Beefsteak and Onions * Beets * Spinach on Toast * Rice Cream * Oatmeal Porridge * Cornmeal Muffins * Baked Omelette with Herbs * Cabbage Salad with Boiled Dressing * Farina Blanc Mange * Canned Pea Soup * Stuffed Halibut * Curried Chicken * Rice * Bananas * Kidney Beans * Cocoanut Custard

SUMMER BILLS OF FARE: Mince of Ham and Eggs * French Rolls * Deviled Crabs * Cold Welsh Rarebit * A Sweet Omelette * Iced Tea * Mock Turtle Soup * Fried Whitefish * Fresh Beef’s Tongue * Spring Beans * Potatoes au Geneve * Corn Starch Custard * Pineapple Sliced, with wine * Stewed Eels a la Francaise * Farina Waffles * Savory Potatoes * Mince of Chicken and Eggs * Shrimp Salad * Thin Bread and Butter * Huckleberry Cake * Tomato Soup * Lobster Pates * Beef Roast a l’Orleans * New Potatoes * Banana Ice Cream * Milk Mush * Tom Thumb Omelettes * Buttered Potatoes * Rye Muffins * Curried Lobster * Pickled Lambs’ Tongues with Mayonnaise * Oatmeal Crackers * Junket * Calf’s Feet Soup with Poached Eggs * Potted Ducks * Potatoes a la Napolitaine * Stuffed Egg Plant * Shrimp and Cheese Salad * Charlotte a la Royale * Molded Wheat Germ Meal Porridge * Scalloped Codfish with Cheese * Buttermilk Biscuit * Chopped Potatoes * Pates de Veau * Tomato Salad * Chicken Sandwiches * Cocoanut Cake * Green Pea Soup * Fried Scallops * Queen of Puddings * Roast Fowl a la Guyot * Green Corn Porridge * Deviled Kidneys * Mamma’s Muffins * Melons * Codfish Scalloped, with Mushrooms * Terhune Corn Bread * Dried Rusk and Milk * Lakewood Chowder * Chickens Fried Whole * Potato Fritters * Summer Squash * Peaches and Whipped Cream * Lobster Croquettes * Bread and Milk Muffins * Fried Cucumbers * Meringued Coffee * Ragout of Sweetbreads * Potato Scallops * Cousin Melissa’s Sponge Cake * Lemonade * Salmon Bisque * Brown Fricassee of Chicken * Stuffed Tomatoes * Egg Salad with Sardine Mayonnaise * Huckleberry Pudding * Arrowroot Porridge * Broiled Chickens * Egg Biscuits * Potatoes a la Parisienne * Ham Rarebit * Corn Fritters * Pink and White Cake * Baked Soup * Oyster au Gratin * Stewed Pigeons * String Beans a la Maitre d’Hotel * Scallop of Corn and Tomatoes * Apple Meringue * Stewed Sheep’s Tongues * Oatmeal Bannocks * Rissoles * Cucumber Salad * Chopped Potatoes * Warm Gingerbread * Curry Rice Soup * Baked Pickerel * Stewed Chops * String Beans * Peach Ice Cream * Lemon Cake * Ham Fried in Batter * Browned Potatoes * Rice Waffles * Beef Balls * Corn Cake * Potato Salad * Lemon Cream Toast * Fish Bisque Maigre * Fricasseed Broilers * Potato Croquettes * Baked Cauliflower * Peach Pudding * Peach Sauce * English Oatmeal Porridge * Beef Sausages * Scalloped Eggs * Raised Muffins, without eggs * Fried Sweet Potatoes * Warm Jelly Cakes * Beef and Sago Soup * Cod and Macaroni * Liver a la Jardiniere * Stewed Celery * Potato Croquettes * Hedgehog Pudding * Wheaten Grits * Breakfast Bacon * Boiled Eggs * Waffles * Beef Loaf * Sardines on Toast * Cocoanut Cake * Lobster Chowder * Braised Veal * Potato Hillocks * Stewed Tomato * Indian Meal Pudding *

THE DINNER PAIL: Ham Sandwiches * Cheese and Egg Sandwich * Sardine Sandwiches * Bacon and Mutton Sandwiches * Cracker and Anchovy Sandwiches * Deviled Eggs * Chicken Salad * Galantine * Fruit * Bread

AUTUMN BILLS OF FARE: Mutton Chops * Egg Gems * Stewed Lobster * Toasted Crackers * Saratoga Potatoes * Apple Pyramid * Turnip Puree * Boiled Corned Beef * Creamed Onions * Tomatoes and Corn * Batter Pudding * Cream Sauce * Fruit * Beef Hash au Gratin * Barbara’s Griddle Cakes * Baked Potatoes * Oysters in Bed * Fried Pigs’ Feet * Deviled Tomatoes * Café au Lait Cake * Filling for Cake * Turnip Puree * Baked Flounder Cutlets * Larded Beef’s Tongue * Fried Oyster Plant * Celery au Gratin * Marie’s Pudding * Liquid Sauce * Imperial Granum Porridge * Stewed Eggs * Risen Muffins * Oysters Scalloped with Mushrooms * Fried Apples * Mince of Potatoes and Corn * Jelly Roll * Lima Bean Soup * Curried Chicken Pie * Stewed Cabbage * Fried Celery * Sweet Potato Pie * Rye Porridge * Kidneys and Ham * Flannel Cakes * Beef Scallops * Cheese Fingers * Doughnuts * Turnip Soup * Deviled Oysters * Braised Beef * Spinach On Toast * Fried Parsnips * Cup Plum Pudding * Oatmeal Porridge * Deviled Rabbit * Corn Bread * Lyonnaise Potatoes * Veal and Ham Croquettes * Baked Sweet Potatoes * Apple Sauce * Sponge Cake * Clear Soup * Creamed Lobster * Stewed Beefsteak * Cauliflower * Potatoes in Cases * Horse Radish * Burnt Custard * Light Cakes * Breaded Scallops * Potato Drop Cakes * Peach Shortcake * Scotch Herrings * Cold Beef’s Heart * Sponge Cake Fritters * Mutton and Macaroni * Chicken and Sago Broth * Spinach * Dunder Haggis * Rice Cream * Pork Chops with Tomato Sauce * Crumb Griddle Cakes * Meringued Café au Lait * Smoked Salmon * Potato Cakes au Gratin * Rabbit Soup * Oyster Salad * Steamed Turkey * Thickened Milk * Cranberry Sauce * Scalloped Cabbage * Stewed Squash * Myrtle’s Charlotte * Mush and Milk * Sausages * Pancakes, Sugared * Italian Rice Pudding * Tomato Sauce * Fried Bread * Apple Charlotte * Barley Broth * Buttered Lobster * Pot Roast of Beef * Potato Souffle * Pea Cakes * Amber Pudding * Fried Liver * White Scones * Chopped Potatoes * Boiled Eggs * Home Made Sausage * Cherry and Sardine Salad * Fried Bananas * Soft Gingerbread * Vegetable Soup * Broiled Bluefish * Veal and Ham Pie * Scalloped Squash * Sweet Potatoes au Gratin * Rice and Peach Pudding * Cream Sauce * Brewis * Risen Corn Bread * Clam Fritters * Stewed Sweet Potatoes * Boiled Eggs* Deviled Ham * Potato Puff * Bread, Butter and Pickles * Baked Apple Charlotte * Boiled Chestnuts * Rabbit Soup * Browned Beef’s Tongue * Curry of Tomatoes and Rice * Turnips with White Sauce * Boiled Indian Pudding


WINTER BILLS OF FARE: Browned Rice Porridge * Fricasseed Eggs * Crumpets * Stewed Potatoes * Giblet Soup * Roast Beef with Yorkshire Pudding * Sea Kale * Mount Blanc Potato * Creamed Sponge Cake * Brandied Peaches * Hominy Boiled with Milk * Creamed Eggs * Fried Mush * Brown Muffins * Barbecued Ham * Baked Potatoes * Steamed Apples * Marmalade Cake * Clam Chowder * Boiled Chicken in rice * Stewed Celery * Mashed Potatoes * Hominy Porridge * Fish Balls * Risen Muffins * White and Graham Bread * Calf’s Brains * Scalloped Tomatoes * Steamed Corn Bread * Mock East Indian Preserves * Calf’s Head Soup * Halibut Steak * Beef’s Tongue au Gratin * Potato Puff * Stewed Oyster Plant * Baked Apple Dumpling, Brandy Sauce * Oatmeal Porridge * Southern Batter Bread * Codfish Omelette * Potato Loaves * Fried Tripe * Baked Eggs * Potato Puree * Larded Pike * Veal and Ham Cutlets * Creamed Turnips * Potato Souffle * Stewed Tomatoes * Baked Roley-Poley * Corn Beef Hash * Shrimp Salad with Mayonnaise Dressing * Cheesecups * Oatmeal Gingerbread * Cocoa-theta * Cod Chowder * Baked Calf’s Head * Canned Corn Stew * Mold of Potato * Indian Meal Pudding * Baked Sweet Apples * Brain Fritters * Oatmeal Griddle Cakes with Maple Syrup * Chicken or Veal Fondue * Baked Beans * Potato Soup * Steamed Chicken, Stuffed * Oyster Plant Fritters * Rice Porridge * Stewed Eels * Potato Balls * Anchovied Toast with Egg Sauce * Farina Soup * Baked Halibut * Ragout of Mutton * Cauliflower au Gratin * Hominy Croquettes * A Winter Hen’s Nest * Graham Biscuit * Golden Mush * How to use the last of the Mutton * Cheese Bars * Soft Raisin Gingerbread * Vegetable Family Soup * Scalloped Oysters * Stewed Duck * Glazed Potatoes * Suet Pudding * Farina * Salt Mackerel with White Sauce * Veal and Macaroni Scallop * Baked Sweet Apples and Cake * Russian Soup * Salmon Pudding with Lemon Sauce * Roast Rabbits * Potatoes au Milan * Graham Fruit Pudding


PICKLES: East India, or Mixed Pickles * Tiny Tims * Chow Chow No. 1 * Chow Chow No. 2 * Cucumber Soy * Green Tomato Soy * Ripe Tomato Soy * Cherry Pickle * Pickled Pears * Pickled Peaches * Pickalilli

FRUIT JELLIES: Currant Jelly * Cherry Jelly * Blackberry and Raspberry Jelly * Strawberry Jelly * Peach and Pineapple Jelly * Apple Jelly * Quince Jelly

PRESERVES, JAMS, AND MARMALADES: Preserved Strawberries * Pineapple Preserves * Preserved Cherries * Imitation East India Preserves * Red Raspberry Jam * Blackcap Jam * Quince Marmalade * Orange Marmalade * Peach Marmalade


Remember folks, this is an 1889 original. This book is 135 years old.


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