The Nile on eBay


by Valerie Green

On Sunday 24 March 1991, four-year-old Michael Wayne Dunahee vanished from a Victoria, BC playground, virtually in front of his parents' eyes. Almost twenty-two years and thousands of tips and leads later, his whereabouts remain unknown. Bruce and Crystal Dunahee, devastated at the loss of their son, nevertheless endured and found the inner strength to turn their personal heartache towards public service. Working with Child Find BC to further education on preventing child abductions and to give essential support to other parents of missing children, they have been able to rebuild their lives. They have never given up hope they will one day find their son, and their courage and unflagging resolve is an inspiration to parents everywhere. Michael's abduction initiated one of the largest missing child investigations in Canada at the time; and to this day, even as a cold case, it is still rigorously investigated by a number of dedicated members of the police force. His story is presented here in the spirit of hope that Michael is still alive somewhere in the world and that answers will be found to the mystery of his disappearance -- and perhaps even bring him home to his waiting family.The book includes safety tips for preventing child abduction, and information on what to do when a child goes missing or a missing child is seen. Part proceeds from this book will go to Child Find BC.

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Back Cover

In March 1991, Michael Wayne Dunahee was abducted from a Victoria, BC playground, virtually in front of his parents' eyes. Police were alerted within minutes of Michael's disappearance, and a full-scale search of the area was initiated immediately, but with no witnesses to the crime, law enforcement was stymied. There was no sign of Michael anywhere. The entire city of Victoria quickly mobilized to expand the search for Michael, and Child Find BC and other missing children organizations took up the cause. Very soon Michael's face and the story of his abduction were known throughout North America and eventually around the world, as missing child posters were disseminated and details of his abduction were broadcast via every available media outlet, including five appearances on America's Most Wanted. The Michael Dunahee case initiated the largest missing-child investigation in Canada at the time and raised awareness about child safety and child exploitation issues for both parents and the public at large. The Dunahee family, devastated at the loss of their son, nevertheless endured and focused their energy on helping other families undergoing similar tragedy. Working with Child Find BC and Child Find Canada, and supporting initiative such as the AMBER Alert system and the missing persons DNA database, have given them the strength to carry on and rebuild their lives. They threw their support behind annual fundraising and awareness raising events such as the annual Keep the Hope Alive fun run and the Tournament of Hope, with proceeds from both going to support the work of Child Find BC. In spite of nearly 22 years without answers as to what happened to Michael, they still maintain hope that he will one day be returned safely to them; and that steadfast belief has been an inspiration for families of missing children everywhere. Vanished includes an extensive appendices with details on technological advances in finding missing children, tips on preventing child abduction and exploitation, what to do when a child goes missing or a missing child is seen, as well as complete list of Child Find offices in Canada. Part of the proceeds from the sale of this book are being donated to Child Find BC.

Author Biography

Valerie Green was born and educated in England with a background in journalism, English literature and history. She has lived in Victoria, BC, since 1968, where she works as a freelance writer, writing the "Pages from the Past" column in the Saanich News as well as other magazine and newspaper articles. Valerie is the author of many historical books set in the Pacific Northwest, including family biographies and mystery-suspense fiction.

Table of Contents

Foreword; Introduction: A Portrait of Victoria; Sunday, March 24, 1991; The First Two Months; The Initial Leads; Keeping the Hope Alive; Child Find; The Media Challenge; No Reprieve; The Twentieth Anniversary Year; Sister in the Shadow; Life Since 1991; Never Stop Believing; A Letter to Michael; Conclusion; Appendices; Bibliography; Sources; Index.


Author Valerie Green
Pages 160
ISBN-10 0888397259
ISBN-13 9780888397256
Format Paperback
Media Book
Short Title Vanished
Language English
Subtitle The Michael Dunahee Story
Imprint Hancock House Publishers Ltd ,Canada
Place of Publication Blaine
Country of Publication Canada
Publisher Hancock House Publishers Ltd ,Canada
DEWEY 364.154
Audience General
Year 2012
Publication Date 2012-10-19
Illustrations Color Photos
