A Hand-Book Of Classical, Geography, Chronology, Mythology, And Antiquities

Prepared For The Use Of Schools

By T P and W F Allen

1861 Published at Boston by Swan, Brewster And Tileson

Cloth hard covers, blind stamped decorations and gold stamped lettering; 7 3/4 x 5”, 123 pages. Sturdy covers with a chip out of spine top, spine bottom and corners worn through. Pages neatly kept. There are no maps called for or present. Likely the schoolroom would have a book of maps for the class to reference.

To inside front we see a book sellers embossing / ticket “W. FELTON / Books, Music, Stationery, & Fancy Goods. / Brattleboro, VT” Also the book plate inventory for Levi K Fuller and a penciled inscription “This is the book of Abbie surnamed zesty a faithful pupil in the High School in Brattleboro, Vt.” LKF 1841-1896 was the 44th Governor of Vermont and an executive of Estey Organs. He was married to Abigail Emily Estey Fuller (1841-1896) the daughter of Jacob Estey. A nice little bit of Vermont ephemera. https://www.esteyorganmuseum.org/estey-heritage/a-brief-chronology-of-the-estey-organ-company/